An Essay about The School of Thoughts

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I'll explain the steps to your self-image in this essay with an algorithmic style of telling, including your successes, fails, and many self-steps to take.

First, I'm going to explain about the self-knowledge because it should be the first-ever gain before leaping into the other self-gainings. Obviously, to get self-knowledge, it will require you to start. So the very first step is beginning, of course. Once you started, you may ask what is self-knowledge, and how to get a good one? Self-knowledge is the knowledge or understanding of your own capabilities, character, feelings, motivation, and information. So getting your self-knowledge is knowing yourself well. And having self-knowledge will take you to the next step, self-belief. This step is simultaneously so tricky and so important. Therefore, unless you pay enough attention, you will not be able to complete this part. So once you got your confidence in your abilities and judgment, I mean, once you got your self-belief, you are good to move to the next step: which is defining some goals to yourself and creating a very exact self-goal out of your all plannings. And just having some gorgeous goals and imagining about them is not enough to reach them. That's because you must find and enter the rough way to place where you self help. And helping yourself is merely using your own efforts and resources to achieve things without relying on others. The moment you finally got there will bring you to the execution of your goals and dreams. So that's the place where you make your self-goal real. After that execution, you have two chances. One is the chance if you got great self-knowledge, self-belief, and made your self-help right (success). And the other one is the chance if you didn't get strong self-knowledge, self-belief and didn't make your self-help right (fail).

Firstly let's look at what will happen when you got the chance to succeed. Obviously, because you were able to jump over the giant wall before the success point, you will gain your self-confidence. Which is a feeling of trust

in your own abilities, qualities, and judgment, etc. Furthermore, it will advance your self-belief up at the same time. And probably you'll also have your self-love in yourself: a big regard in your own happiness and advantage. Then the next step for you will be apparent, self-pride. Which offers you two choices. One of the choices is a way to superiority and ending up being full of yourself if you choose. Being full of yourself could make you braggart, arrogant, boastful, or very proud. So it's definitely the wrong choice because being full of yourself will, of course, take you to the "World of Selfishness." And that will never let you improve in other goals and imaginations.

For this reason, go for the other choice which self-pride gave you. And that choice is just for leaping into your very self-image for the first time. Once you find yourself there, you may not notice at first, but you'll probably be building your own mental picture, which will be quite resistant to change later on. However, this part -building your self-image- is not only processed when you reach it. I mean, you're already building your self-image even if you're on one of the previous steps. So this part is just for completing a chapter on your self-image. After that -completing one goal and adding it to your self-image- you should go for some new ones. So it's good for you to repeat the process over and over again to complete as many goals as possible by turning back to your self-knowledge and upgrading it.

And now, let's take a look at the things that are possible to happen once you fail. Failing doesn't seem good at first, but if you get your lesson from it well and never repeat that mistake, it could even be more beneficial for you than success. For me, there are six different choices to choose from after failing. One is the "worst," another is the "best," and four other "good" ones. Let's start with the first one, which is the chance if you self hate yourself so much because you failed and if you see yourself inferior. Being inferior could bring you so many problems and could also make you start all over again by forgetting all the knowledge, belief, goals you had before. Starting all over again is even better than just being inferior, doing nothing, and becoming a member of the "World of the Selfishness." And as I said, there are five more choices to choose rather than the "worst" one after failing. Let's take a look at the four "good" ones together because they are pretty similar.

So these good choices are simply for turning back to previous steps and correcting them for success. And these good four choices are; correcting your self-knowledge, correcting your self-belief, correcting your self-goal, and helping yourself better. For that reason, these choices could bring you success. Yet, the "best" choice after failing to go for is a little different. That choice requires to self-hate for your fail without overdoing it and turning back to steps before failing to correct them. For example, your self-belief was not enough for you to get success if you choose the "best" one you should hate yourself a little and strengthen your self-belief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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