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"Rise and Shine princess!" Sasuke heard Naruto's voice and he groaned throwing the blanket over his head

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"Rise and Shine princess!" Sasuke heard Naruto's voice and he groaned throwing the blanket over his head.

"Go away." He croaks out. He could hear Kiba's monotonous snicker.

Within the mext couple of seconds, Sasuke felt a gust of wind to his body as Naruto snatched the blanket back. Sasuke frowned and looked over his shoulder at the Blonde.

"What do you want?" Sasuke groaned

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"What do you want?" Sasuke groaned. Naruto shoved a can of Starbucks Iced Coffee towards him.

Catching himself smiling, Sasuke sat up and crossed his legs in the bed. He took the coffee from his new friend. A month. It's been a month since they've known eachother and every Monday and Tuesday morning Naruto would be in Sasuke's room, waking him up for their class with a coffee in hand. It made Sasuke feel slightly special. He wondered why the blonde even bothered with him. They talk everyday, they hang out alot. Sasuke was content with their relationship but it was something in the back of his mind that he couldn't get rid of.

His feelings for Naruto.

Since the day he met the blonde he felt nervous. He felt as though he wanted to impress Naruto so the blonde would be around more. He'd mentally hype himself up just to say a simple sentence without sounding completely stupid. He actually dressed better just so Naruto would compliment him.

"Thank you." Sasuke spoke softly. Out the corner of his eyes, he could see Kiba grinning stupidly. He knew Sasuke liked Naruto. Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows as he cracked the can open. He took a few sips before he crawled out of bed to get ready for school. Once he exited the bathroom fuflly dressed in fitted jeans, and a nice long sleeved sweater. His hair was in his usual hairstyle, with his Uchiha necklace around his neck and a silver wristwatch on his right wrist and a silver rolex bracelet on his left wrist. Stud earrings in both ears.

Naruto looked over to his phone and did a double take when Sasuke leaned down to step into his Nike shoes. Naruto smelled the hint of cologne on Sasuke as he stayed bent down tying his shoes. Naruto's eyes scanned over his raven haired friend.

He's so handsome. He thought as his eyes traveled over Sasuke's form. His eyes stopped on Sasuke's rear end. When Sasuke stood and Naruto's eyes followed suit untill his eyes traveled over Sasuke's face. Sasuke caught the Blonde's gaze and he smirked, causing Naruto's eyes to slightly widen as a red tint formed on his whiskered face. Sasuke grabbed his bag and can of coffee that was on his desk.

"Come on Fox." Sasuke says. Naruto jumped up and grabbed his bag as well.

"Have a good day at school children." Kiba calls behind them. Naruto chuckled as Sasuke flipped him the bird as they walked out the door. The two walked down the hallway. Sasuke sipped at his coffee.

"Thanks again for the coffee, Naruto." He says.

"Heh, stop telling me thank you." Naruto says sticking his hands into his khaki jogger pants. "I've been doing this since we've met. It's like a force of habit now." His blue eyes sparkled as he looked over at his raven. Ha, his raven.

The two exited the dorms building and began their journey to their class.

"It's force of habit just to say that." Sasuke's eyes lowered towards the grass with a small smile on his face. "No one's ever bought me coffee."

"Well, you're welcome." Naruto looks over at him and smiled causing Sasuke's heart to skip a beat. His breath hitched.

Why is he so fucking cute?! He thought to himself as they walked in comfortable silence.

"After class today," Naruto broke the silence. "D-do you wanna hang out?"

"Depends," Sasuke says. "Is it a date?"

Naruto's eyes widened as he and the raven walked into their class building and down the hall.

"Do you want it to be a date, Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

Of course Naruto knew Sasuke was gay; Sasuke never hid that from him. Naruto on the other hand didn't label his sexuality. Who he was attracted to was just who he was attracted to. It could've been a Man, Woman, a car , some shoes , hell Naruto would fall in love with a fish if it flirted with him. That was exaggeration. But you get the point.

It was clear to the boys that they were attracted to eachother and often flirted with one another but it was nothing too serious.

"Sort of." Sasuke smirks and looks over at him. Naruto chuckled.

"I cant stand you, you little Raven you."

Their hands brushed against eachother as they walked.

"Dont try and hold my hand you sly little Fox." Sasuke smirked at him once more.

Naruto blew out air. "If I wanted to hold your hand I'd do it Raven."


Without a second thought, Naruto slipped his hand into Sasuke's. Causing Sasuke to close his eyes in content and smile. Naruto's hand was warm. So was Sasuke's the continued to walk down the hall content and holding hands.

They walked into class and their hand holding stopped as they sat together in their seats.

"You never answered my question Sasuke." Naruto says as they take their books out their bags.

Sasuke ran his tongue across his lips and looked over at the blonde.

"When do I not hang out with you dobe?" Sasuke smirked when he looked at him. The blonde smiled.

"Good. I have something for us today." Naruto turned away from Sasuke soon as the professor started talking about their lesson for the day. Sasuke on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off his fox. Ha, his fox.

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