Saved chapter 1 part 2

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•chapter 1,part 2•


"Luna dear, come here for a sec would you darling?"

"Coming mum,one sec, ok here"

"Thank you Luna, I would just like to know if you wanted to come dress shopping with me and the girls this afternoon?"

"Yeah I suppose, what're we going for?" I answered my mother.

"Oh yes that's right, silly me I forgot to tell you! well, you see me as Delroy are re-doing our wedding vows and we want you to look presentable for once." She said.


"And why would you think that dearest Luna?" Delroy growled, stepping into the room.

"Because you're an abusive son of a bitch who does nothing all day except watch T.V, drink and smoke!" I retorted.

"That's it..." He snarled.

He took his belt of from around his waist and walked towards me, swinging the belt in his dirty hands, he moved his arm backwards and with all his strength drew it forward with all his force and whipped me right across my face.

It stung like hell, but I didn't admit it, I held my face as blood dripped down my chin and just glared at him, he whipped me again an again for about ten minutes, my mother just stands there as usual paying no attention to my groans, stupid whore.

He put his hand inside one of his back pockets and took something out, I couldn't quite see at first but then he brought it in front of me, aimed at the centre of my forehead, I begged him not to, but he pulled the trigger BANG!! I'm dead.

*end of dream*

I woke up suddenly, my body drenched in sweat, I looked around my bedroom, my eyes adjusting to the darkness around me. I'm safe.

I reach out for my lamp and turn it on, checking the time as I do so, it read 3:26 AM.

"Just great." I mumbled.

I sit up, thinking about the nightmare I've just had, that's the fourth one so far this week, in every one if them I end up dead. It must be a sign.

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