Chapter 1

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Moving to London was probably one of the best decisions of my entire life. My parents weren't all that happy when I first told them, but there wasn't anything they could do to stop me. Ever since I was 13 I knew I wanted to live here. There was something about the city itself that you could fall in love with. Then add in the people, and it was a match made in Heaven.

I didn't have the highest living standard, but I was thankful for what I had. I lived in a small one-room flat right near Notting Hill. Now I know what you're thinking..Notting must be so posh. I live outside of Notting Hill, not in the area you see on TV. I was working on a graduate degree in fashion design. I had a pretty good internship on the side as well. I interned with Burberry in their design planning department, and I absolutely loved it.

One day when I showed up to work, everyone was gathered around the conference table, and I was somewhat alarmed when everyone seemed anxious as I walked in. "Elle! Come, come, they're about to draw!" My best friend Sarah was jumping up and down trying to get my attention. Draw what? I was so confused. As I came closer, I looked at the calendar and realized London Fashion Week was just around the corner. How could I have forgotten?! Every year, Burberry has a special drawing that allows one of the interns to go to the Burberry fashion show and sit FRONT ROW. Yeah..front row. If I won, I don't know what I would do.

"Alright everybody! Are you ready to draw?"

My boss was up on the mic stand, and he was getting ready to draw. This was it I thought, this could be my lucky shot.


I couldn't do this, this was so nerve wracking. Everything I had ever hoped for had come true so far, and this would be icing on the cake.

"Here we go! Let's see who we have here.."

Please be me..please be me.

"Aaaaaannnd the winner is...SARAH HOLDEN. Congrats Sarah! Come see me at the end of the day and I'll give you all the info."

Sarah won! I was so happy for her. Yeah I wanted it to be me, but if it had to be anyone else, I'm glad it was her. Not only was going to LFW my life long dream, but it was also Sarah's.

"Elle! Elle! Is this really happening?? I can't believe I just won!!"

We jumped up and down for a good three minutes and the rest of the interns started coughing under their breath. I guess they didn't share our excitement. As the rest if the day went on, I couldn't contain my excitement for Sarah, and we talked about the fashion show nonstop. What would she wear? This could be a huge opportunity to meet some very important people. Not only that, but she would be going to the Burberry after party. We had always joked about going to celebrity after parties, and now she was going.

The day ended, and I was riding home on the tube. I got off at my stop, and as soon as I got to the door, my phone was blowing up. It was Sarah, and she had left about a billion voicemails, along with 23 texts. All of which said "I'M COMING OVER." I quickly responded and told her to come right up, and within five minutes she was knocking on my door.


If she didn't have a smile on her face, I would've thought she committed a murder by the frantic tone in her voice.

"Calm down Sarah! What did you do?! Please tell me you aren't in trouble."

"NO. NO TROUBLE....buuuuttt I talked to the boatman and made a little deal with him. I told him that if I went to the Burberry Show, I needed to be able to bring a plus one. Long story short, YOU'RE COMING TO THE SHOW WITH ME."

What did she just say?!

"What?! Please don't mess with me!!"

"I'm completely serious! We were talking, and he just told me he was in a good mood and why not?"


Today was the day. Sarah and I were in my flag getting ready for the show when our driver called to say he was ready downstairs. Yes..we got a driver. Did I mention I love this internship?

Our driver dropped us off right at the entrance of the fashion show. There were style bloggers and fashion designers everywhere. This must be what Heaven is like. I started to scan the crowd to see who I should go talk to. I desperately wanted to go talk to Danielle Barnes. She was a major style blogger who pretty much lives my dream life. She traveled the world and ran a fashion blog. Can you say dream life?

I made my way over to introduce myself when a guy who looked to be around my age cut me off and went to talk to her. I was about to call him out on his mistake until he turned and around, and I realized who he was.

"I am so sorry love, I did not mean to run out in front if you like that. My mistake."

"Oh, um it's not worries, um are you, um are, um sorry.."

"I'm Harry, and what would your name be?"

Harry..Harry..HARRY FREAKING STYLES. Play it cool. You have to play it cool. "I'm Elle, like the magazine." Like the magazine? Really Elle..way to turn into a total nerd.

"Well that's a beautiful name, Elle. Are you going into the show?"

"Yeah, yes, um yeah I am." I couldn't even talk. What was wrong with me?

"Well Elle, maybe I'll see you inside."

What. Just. Happened.


Hiiii guys! This is my first ever story, so please leave any feedback or tips or anything. I love to hear what you all think. Please read and share with your friends!! Xx -A

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