/A.F. Imagine/

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Alan, Edgar, Sam and you were hunting vampires. God forbid Sam didn't come, but he since he did have a little experience with killing and there were a couple more vampires than you would usually handle. Therefore having an extra set of hands was probably a good idea.
"I've never heard of Vampires nesting in a house before" you speak directly to Alan.
"Hm." He says blandly
Great, another stellar conversation for the scrapbook I guess.
You all sneak around the back looking for a way in. You spotted it signaling the other guys over.
"You think we can go through the basement?" You whispered.
"Probably our best bet if we don't wanna make too much noise yet" Edgar said
"Hell, none of them are even home!" Alan says disappointed that we didn't notice before.
Edgar just rolls his eyes and tries the door. It swings open and you feel embarrassed thinking we would have to break in.
The basement was cold and because of the dust you immediately sneeze.
Sam jumps and gives you a weird look.
"Jesus, are you tryna give someone a heart attack!?" He says
"Gosh, sorry I didn't know you got so scared that you turned into an old man!" You reply out of defense
"Can you guys act your age and focus on the task at hand"
Alan seemed a little uptight tonight. I mean he knows I'm not the most serious person.
"You heard the man!" You smack Sam in the arm and laugh.
You guys had finally found the stairs and start making your way up them.
"Wait" you whisper.
They all turn to look at you.
"Does anybody know how the hell to do this?" You ask because you surely don't know the right way.
They all just shrug and and shake their heads.
"So...were just making this up as we go?"
"Yeah, pretty much!" Sam says
Edgar was the first to go in.
The lights were off except for the vague shine streaming through the windows from the sun setting.
Alan sets down the backpack he was carrying and unzipped it revealing a ton of weird supplies.
You pick up some sort of strange gun looking thing.
"What is this" you ask
"It's full of holy water...it's a water gun!" Alan says harshly.
Alan had really been getting on your nerves lately. He was being a complete prick to you, but you had no idea why. You two were so close. Now all he wanted to do was correct you on all your wrongs.
He grabbed the gun from you and set it down on a table. You crossed you arms and looked around.
You saw a light switch and began to approach it.
"Don't touch that!" Edgar yells from across the room
"What!? I'm sure there going to be so disappointed if we run down their power bill." You scoff
"No, but if they see a light on they'll know and possibly try and ambush us before we're finished setting things up" Edgar had a good point but you weren't in the mood to agree upon anything.
Alan handed you two gallon jugs and sent you upstairs to try to fill the sink.
You made you way upstairs trying to adjust to the dark, but finally finding the bathroom. You just walk past it and start exploring first. The rooms were large but barely had any furniture. Only a bed, rug, and dresser.
After just taking your time looking around and scouting you decide you should probably get back to the job.
You find your way back to the bathroom and turn on the light deciding that you didn't care what Edgar said.
Finding the plug you close the drain and start pouring the first gallon. 'Damn these are heavy' you think to yourself.
You hear someone coming down the hall and stand out side of the room.
"What's in these anyways?" You ask not looking up from your job.
"Holy water" you could tell it was Alan.
Even though you wanted to ask him more questions like 'why he hated you so much?' You kept your mouth closed and nodded trying not to provoke his 'Bitchy' personality.
"Are you almost done filling it up?" Alan asks after awhile
You jump and look over your shoulder noticing he had two more jugs. You thought he had went back downstairs
"Look I'm trying my best here ok!?" You say getting really tired of Alan's dumb comments.
"Were almost done setting up downstairs!" He says walking over and uncapping the rest of the jugs.
"Well, good for you!" You say in a harsh tone of voice.
"Don't start with all that crap Y/N!...Were supposed to be helping people! Not acting like children who don't give a flying fuck!"
"ARE. YOU. KID.ING ME.!? DOES IT CROSS YOUR MIND TO BE SLIGHTLY SORRY, ALAN!?" You say stopping from you work and looking up at him.
"Sorry for wha-" he starts to stand up but was cut off mid sentence.
"THEIR BACK!" Edgar yells from downstairs.
You both run down the hall past the stairs and look down from the railing. There was already three of them making it way halfway up the stairs. Great! We didn't even see them.
They step into the hall and were blocking your way to the bathroom and your second line of defense.
"Holy shit! We're dead!" You say wide eyed
Alan holds up his weird gun full of holy water. He points it and starts squirting missing because of the lack of range.
"Dumb ass!" You yell and pull him back into one of the rooms and slammed the door.
He looked completely pissed. Honestly, you didn't care you both were probably gonna die anyways.
"I HAD IT UNDER CONTROL!" He yells over the vampires taunting us from the hallway.
"JUST. SHUT THE HELL UP ALAN!" You grab his hand and pull him into a closet and lock it.
It was so dark in there and you couldn't see but only hear the vampires entering the room.
"Shit, shit, shit" you say terrified hoping the others were ok.
"Did you bring any other weapons?" He asks
"No! You didn't give me any!" You say almost wanting to slap him.
"Great job! This is the day!" He laughs
You shook your head.
"Why do you hate me so much!?"
The vampires were calling for you.
"I just- I don't hate you!"
"Hehe YA YOU DO!" You reply and cock an eyebrow. That thing was now banging on the closet door.
"Look if we're going to die...I don't want you to not know!"
"Not know what?" You ask coming across a little harsher than meant.
"That. That the only reason that I have been so distant was because I was falling deeply in love with you! I didn't want you to know because I thought you wouldn't feel the same and it would ruin our friendship" his voice was full of pain and fear. You were silent but couldn't help but crack a smile. If this was the last moment you had together then it was going to be your best.
You grabbed his face and smashed your lips into his. He seemed surprised at first but gradually wrapped his arms around your waist. You blocked out the yelling and banging but didn't realize it had stopped.
You and Alan were still clinging to each other. Lips moving in sync.
The door opens and you hear a horrified scream. You break apart and look to see a disgusted Edgar holding the door open. Sam had wide eyes and was making a cross with his fingers.
"Stay back! Stay back!" Sam yelled.
They both had patches of blood on their clothes and looked tired as all hell.
You and Alan both smiled at each other and he unwrapped his arms from around your waist.
Dead bodies lay in the middle of the room. At least you knew they were practically dead before.
"I'm glad you guys made up, but I don't want to see you making out!" Edgar turns away and starts walking out the door.
You all follow and see bodies of 4 vampires downstairs.
"Shit." Alan says out of pure amazement.
"Yeah, I know I told you I wasn't amateur" Sam says with a smug look on his face.
You guys were beginning to exit the house when Alan fell back and so did you.
"Hey, uhh, sorry about earlier" you say hoping he didn't think you were too forwards.
He just smiled and grabbed your hand. I guess he didn't mind?. His smile quickly fade though.
"Hey, I'm sorry for all th-" he began to say.
"Don't. I understand" you say cutting him off.
You were walking down the pathway while the boys were talking about some comic book and seemed very enthusiastic about it.
"You wanna go out sometime?" He asks looking at the ground.
"Of course you say and kiss his cheek.
He blushes and pulls you with him trying to catch up with the guys.
You couldn't help but smile and know you were falling madly in love with him too.

Aw, ALAN FEELS EMOTIONS! I'm kidding! Still credits to Edgar and Sam in this one! You and Alan did nothing! lol I'm joking...again! I don't know what my goal was in this one except jus making a fine ass imagine ((which didn't happen)). Yup, so much quality...that wasn't in this. Anyways thanks so much for reading...YES YOU alone in your room listening to Heathers:The Musical and wishing you had a J.D. Wait that's just me whoops. Ima go to sleep...probably?
see ya tomorrow and sorry for the late upload, woke up at noon and realized I haven't written anything today.😬
Anyways, I gotta go! See ya! -Kace

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