Chapter 3: The Brother

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It was lunch time. Rin didn't ever eat, so he usually went out to the bleachers of the schools football field to think.

However, when he got there, someone had already beat him to it.

"Check it out!" A tall guy with brown hair said, lifting up a piece of paper.

"That kid failed again?! God, he's so stupid!" The skinny one laughed.

"I know right." The main guy agreed. "When he got it back from the teacher, I stole it off his desk at the end of class. The kid's not only failing algebra, but he's failing to remember taking his paper with him."

"Damn," The red head said. "I wanted that kid to do my homework, but nevermind. He's not worth it."

"Oh well," The brunette said, crumbling up the paper, and throwing it away. "We'll find a smart one."

"Hey." Rin yelled. The boys turned to him confused. "What the hell's wrong with you guys?!" Rin asked.

"You guys shouldn't be critical. I'm sure you've got worse grades than him." You look like a bunch of idiots.

"What did you say, bitch?" The main one said.

"You heard me, bastard." Rin retorted.

The guys stood up. "Shawn?" The fat one looked at him. "Let's teach this guy a lesson."

"Aren't you that one kid who hurt a kid in elementary?" The ravenette asked.

The brunette nodded. "He is." Shawn walked up to him. "That was my little brother, you prick."

"Your brother, huh?" Rin asked. "Well, your brother was a little brat. He deserved it."

"Oh, yeah?" The guy said. He raised his fist, and punched Rin in the stomach. Rin immediately dropped to the ground, holding his stomach in pain. The two other guys that cowarded behind the one named Shawn, began to laugh.

"Nice hit!" One of them said, high fiving the leader.

"Yeah, it was pretty sick." The fat one said, grinning.

All three boys laughed once more, before turning to Rin again.

"So, are you gonna stand up? Fight back?" Shawn asked, lifting one eyebrow in curiosity.

Rin just tisked. His bangs were covering his eyes, but his fists were bundled up like a rock.

"Just go..." He whispered. "You got what you wanted." Rin said.

"What?" The fat guy to the left said. "You're just gonna let us get away with hitting you?" He asked.

Rin didn't respond.

The leader sighed. "Let's go, boys." He started to walk away. "This one's no fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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