Chapter Seven

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It's been a couple months since Brad was admitted to the hospital and he's been allowed to live at home for about three weeks but has been undergoing close monitoring by not only his doctors but also his mother and Tristan, just to make sure nothing like that could happen again. And yet, it still was.

"Brad don't do anything stupid." I sighed, sitting outside my bathroom door, my best friend in there on his own "I know what you're doing. Stop."

"You can-" he gagged "not do anything."

"Fuck sake." I sighed "What if tris saw you doing this, what would he say."

"He won't Fucking know." Brad retaliated "because you're not going to fucking tell him, okay?!"

"Okay whatever." I sighed, resting my head on the door "Are you done?" I asked as I heard him throw up again before the sound of the toilet flushing and Brad standing up.

"Yes." He frowned, coming out of the room "I...I just need to sit down for a minute."

"James will kill me if he finds out I'm letting you come over to puke." I sighed, looking down at my floor "Why do I let you do this to yourself? You're gonna end up back living on that ward but this time being tube fed, do you want that?"

"One, James isn't gonna know, Two, you do it because neither of us want to end up doing this alone." Brad pointed out and I sighed and nodded because it was true, I was lost for the month where I didn't have him keeping me in check, I broke my diet so many times, although at the end of it I'd lost weight, it wasn't nearly as much as it would've been if Brad were by my side.

"Speaking of the devil, look who's calling me." I laughed a little, sitting next to Brad and showing him James' contact photo showing up on my phone before I picked up. "Hello?"

I put him on speaker so that Brad could hear what was going on, knowing it'd save having to explain the conversation later.

"Um Con, um, I've, like, I've just broken up with, I've just split up with Kirsty, like, I don't know what to do. You told me to follow my heart but it hurts letting go, fuck, I regret it." James panicked down the phone "And you're the only person who I can talk to, with tris, with tris being away looking at houses right now."

"Oh Jamesy." I sighed sympathetically, although I turned to Brad with a small smirk on my face "That's can come over to mine if you'd like? We'll do breakup things, makeover, ice cream and movies?"

Brad looked at me with a raised eyebrow when I said ice cream, he knew I wasn't going to eat any, he wasn't going to let me eat any.

"If I could Con." James nodded "Thank you, it'll only be a couple hours." He assured me. Twenty five minutes later my brother was shouting at me that there was a 'strange man at the door' and I needed to go and answer it. Our parents were both at work so technically I was in charge of the house (which mostly meant cooking my brother dinner and letting him do whatever he wanted)

"Hi James." I smiled to my friend as I invited him in and lead him upstairs into the room where Brad was. There was a noticeable smell of puke coming from the bathroom, James also clearly noticed it as he shot a glance at me and then Brad, but then chose to ignore it.

"What did you mean by Tris is looking at houses?" Brad asked as soon as he saw the taller, tanned man "Where's he moving to?"

"I cannot possibly say." James replied as he sat down, he was clearly distraught over what had happened with his fiancée and had red tear tracks trailing down his cheeks where he must've been recently crying but was also trying to cover it up with a fake cheery tone in his voice and not making eye contact.

"He's moving up here isn't he?" Brad smiled a little, a knowing glint in his eye "Fucking finally."

"He's not." James answered simply "Not here necessarily."

"Where?" Brad frowned "Why wouldn't he move here, closer to me?"

"You'll see." James sighed "Stop asking about it."

"Fine." Brad huffed, folding his arms dramatically across his chest.

It was about two hours later I decided to go downstairs and collect an armful of bottles at varying degrees of full and take them upstairs along with a few glasses.

"Alrighty, best way to avoid your problems is alcohol. We all have a lot of problems, so let's all drink lots of alcohol." I smiled, putting the drinks down on the floor.

"Wooooo." Brad smiled, climbing off the bed and onto the floor, James doing the same.

"This is the most 'Im nineteen and I can do what I want' way to deal with your problems, ever." James rolled his eyes

"And that was the most 'I'm twenty two and I think I'm better than you even though secretly I want to drink until I pass out' response to alcohol I've ever seen." Brad replied sarcastically, pouring himself a shot. The glasses didn't last long around Brad and soon enough he was chugging from a mostly full bottle of vodka.

"Fucking hell." James shook his head "It's hot in here." He frowned, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it across the room "Wait, maybe it's just Connor."

I blushed, I was definitely the most sober out of the group (alcohol has a lot of unnecessary calories in it), and James certainly didn't mind that I would definitely remember this in the morning.

"Oooh someone has the hots for my best friend." Brad slurred, giving me a completely indiscreet wink.

James smiled and crawled over to me in what was seemingly an attempt to be sexy, and I'll admit it kind of was, the way his shoulder muscles curved over his shoulder blades in almost a feline like manner made my mouth water a little, soon enough he was pushing me gently on to my back and he was towering on top of me.

"James you're so drunk." I giggled nervously, Brad watching silently with a smirk on his face.

"And?" He whispered "Drunk mind, sober thoughts, time to do what I've wanted to do since I met you." He murmured, gently bringing his lips to mine, I didn't care that they tasted like fresh heartache and amaretto, I didn't care that morally it might be considered wrong, all I cared about was the fact that I was getting what I dreamed of for months.

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