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Aria-bella's POV

I sighed today was the day Abel came home.  Jax and I are kind of dating so far Happy hasn't found Alex.  I've been working all day.  I got a house.  Tara has come to the club house.  I got arrested a month ago for assaulting her.  I did 30 days in county. Jax came to see me every visiting day with Happy,  Clay,  Gemma,  Opie, Tig,  Piney and Bobby.  Hell even Donna came to visit me.  Anyways I was at the garage working on a bike.  Gemma was with Jax so I was in charge today. 

"Aria line 1." Juice said and I got up and wiped my hands off and went inside and picked up the phone. 


"Hi I need a tow."

"Okay where are you at?" I asked grabbing a clip board.  I wrote down where the women was.  After getting off the phone I sent Happy. 

I was out taking a break when I saw Tara's car.  I went inside and didn't see her. I walked to Jax's room to hear Tara yelling.  The door was wide opened.  Jax saw me and sighed. 

"Tara I'm with Aria and I'm not leaving her.  You cheated on me with a snitch.  Not to mention you snitched on Aria for fucking you up. Now you need to leave." He said crossing his arms and I smiled.  I walked in and over to him.  He wrapped and arm around my waist. 

"That was 5 years ago!" She screamed and Gemma and Unser walked in. 

"Leave Tara." Unser said and she huffed and she grabbed her bag and left with Unser following.  Jax pecked my lips making me smile.  Gemma kissed our heads and left shutting the door saying I could take the rest of the day off if I want.  Jax took that as a cue and ripped my shit off. 


I was at Jax's house cooking and waiting for the guest with Gemma when a women walked in. 

"Who is tha'?" I asked Gemma and she looked up from chopping and saw the women. 

"Wendy." She snarled and I looked at the women with a cold dark glare. 

"Gemma." The women said and I lunged at the women and knocked her face in. 

"Dumb junkie fuckin' whore!" I yelled when she got a hit in,  busting my eyebrow open.  After about a 5 minute round of us hitting each out.  Me more so her.  Gemma yanked Wendy out of my grip and told her to leave. Wendy did as Gemma called Chibs to come patch me up.  I had a busted lip,  eye brow and a cut on my cheek bone. 

Jax's POV

I saw Aria talking with Happy and she was holding Abel. I saw her face and I looked at mom. 

"Wendy showed up.  You should see her face.  Chibs patched her up." She said and I nodded.  Mom took the bottle over to Aria and gave it to her. 

"I need a rag." Was all Aria said and Happy chuckled and got up to get it.  I walked over and she looked up at me and smiled. 

"He's getting tired." She said softly and I nodded.  Happy came back and gave her rag.  She put it on her shoulder and waited for Abel to finish. 

"Your good with him." Mom said and Aria said yeah. 

"I've had practice." She muttered and I kissed her head and she smiled up at me.  Aria handed me the bottle when he was done and burped him. She stood up carefully and Opie came over to us and kissed her head.  The kids came over.  My mom came and took Abel and she hugged the kids. 

"I'll see you tomorrow after my shift." She said and they squealed happily. 

"Are we going to the mall?" Ellie asked and Aria bent down to their height. 

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