In May of 2017 I was back with my ex and nothing was fine with me and him and I wasn't even happy at all with him. Then out of no where you messaged me and we started talking and I said what do you want and then we started talking. I asked you to come over and see me and then you told me that the reason that you wasn't talking to me and told me you was in the Marines. That made me happy and then we started dating again and that day made me the happiest girl alive and now here we are still together and have been for six months. Then here we are having a baby and happier then ever and I can't wait until I can marry you and spend the rest of my life with you baby you make me happy. Yes we have our ups and downs but your still my baby and always will be because I can still say I was with you before anyone else was that yo have been with since High School.