Natalia Leona Stiles

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Natalia grabbed her stuff and when she walked into the hospital she accidentally walked into a young girl with long brunette hair and drop my bags all over the floor and the young girl says

??: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, my names Emma.

Me: It's not your fault I should've watched where I was going and my names Natalia but people call me Nat.

Emma: So Nat, do you need help with your bags?

Me: Yes please I only have two hands, actually I only have one hand, the other one is a prosthetic arm I got when I was 8 but enough about me, I need to find a Nurse Jackson or a Doctor McAndrew, and my doctor in Bakersfield recommended my stupid parents to bring me here.

Emma: Sure wait in the lobby and I go get Nurse Jackson or Dr. McAndrew for you.

Emma runs to Nurse Jackson or Dr. McAndrew and she runs into Britney

Britney: Woah Emma I don't think you should be running.

Emma: Sorry Britney but I need Nurse Jackson or Dr. McAndrew.

Britney: Well Dr. McAndrew just went to Lunch but I can Page Nurse Jackson for you.

Emma: Okay Tell her to meet me in the lobby.

Britney: Okay?

Then Emma runs back to Natalia

Emma: Nurse Jackson is coming down.

Me: Okay Thanks, Emma, but why were you running I'm not that important.

Emma: What makes you say that?

Me: Life, My family, Everyone.

Emma: I'm sure that's not true Nat.

Me: If you knew my life you wouldn't say that.

Emma was gonna say something but here comes Nurse Jackson.

Nurse Jackson: What's the Problem Emma?

Emma: Nurse Jackson this is Natalie, Natalie this is Nurse Jackson. I'll see you later

Then walks to the elevator

Nurse: Okay Natalia, what Brings you in today?

Me: That's a long story.

Nurse Jackson: well I got so time before Dr. McAndrew gets back from Lunch.

Me: Okay I was born with Cystic fibrosis, At age 5 I got cancer in my left Arm and they had to remove it so at age 8 my doctor gave me a prosthetic arm than a year after that I wouldn't eat only drink so I would get Skinner so my doctor diagnosed me with Anorexia and my hospital doesn't treat people with Anorexia so my doctor recommended me here so my parents packed up my stuff and dropped me off then changed their numbers and moved halfway around the world. So that's why I'm here

Nurse Jackson: Seems like you've had a bad childhood, but don't worry Natalie we take care of everyone's conditions here, let's get you registered and up to a room and I have to perfect roommate for you. Come with me.

She helps me with my bags after she registered me and gave me a hospital bracelet we get in this giant elevator and the elevator opens up to the 4th floor and we walk to a room and she knocks on the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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