((Confession))Classic!Sans x Reader

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Your POV

You were just walking by Snowdin, and you seem to get distracted everytime you pass by. It confused you why you even pass through Snowdin, since there are other ways to get to where you were going. You catch a glimpse of blue and red colors, you assumed it was Sans and Papyrus. You immediately followed their trail but you hid behind a tree.
"Heh, I dunno about life Papy, cuz I don't literally seem to be alive... hehe" Sans snorted. You tried to contain your laughter but you failed. You laughed so hard, they heard you. You come out still laughing a bit, "WHY HELLO HUMAN! HOW MAY I HELP YOU?" Papyrus said. Sans just snickered, "Oh I was just passing" you stated. "OH, THEN IF YOU'RE NOT IN A HURRY THEN YOU COULD STOP BY OUR HOUSE FOR SOME OF MY DELICIOUS SPAGHETTI!" Papyrus proposed. "Why I would love to, but I was supposed to meet with someone someplace else, so maybe later when I come back, and who knows, I might just convince him to come with me" you stated. Papyrus just frowns a bit but gives a reassuring smile, you catch a glimpse of Sans, he sort of did a "what the hell is going on" look. I laughed it off and bid goodbye to the skelebros.

Sans' POV

Him?? Who might that be?? Ahh... Sans why are you worrying about this? Its... not like... you're her.... boyfriend or anything.......... you just might have a chance... nah who am I kidding...she's not gonna accept someone like me. I'm going to Grillby's...


I chugged my ketchup bottle and let off a sigh. "You really wont have a chance if you just sit there and drink ketchup all day, and if you don't tell her how you feel. Sans, its been months and I know you like her, just admit it and tell her already!" Grillby nagged. I slummped my skull on the booth, "What's the use? I already know I don't have a chance..." I stated. "*sigh* You don't know that for sure unless you at least try to express your feelings, who knows... she might actually like you back.." he said. I lifted my head up and let off another sigh, "Alright... thanks again Grillby for... the ketchup, the advice, and the encouragement... see ya" I said and waved goodbye, walking away.


Your POV

You continued walking until you reached hotland, where you took a break for a while. You decide to go visit Alphys and see how she's doing, you went inside the lab and you see alphys working on some paperwork. You decide to scare her, a little fun wont hurt. You slowly sneak up behind her while she was carrying some papers. "BOO!" you exclaimed. Alphys jumped in surprise and the papers were everywhere. "Y-Y/N?! You s-scared me!" Alphys said while stuttering. You help her pick some of the papers that fell, "Sorry about that Alphys.." You replied. You both gathered the papers, and put it on the desk nearby. "O-Oh its o-ok... at least nobody got hurt or anything.." She said while adjusting her glasses. You smiled at her and she smiled back, "Well, since I'm here I was wondering, how's your relationship with Undyne?" You asked subtly. Alphys started blushing a bit, "Oh... um.. w-we're doing g-great, h-how about you and S-Sans?" She replied, you quickly covered her mouth and looked around frantically. "Shhh! Someone might hear you..and they might get the wrong idea" You whispered. You let go of her mouth and she laughs, "Haha.. Oh Y/N... Its not like it isn't obvious that you like him" Alphys teased. Your face tinted red, "Is it really, that obvious?" You asked. "Well.. y-yeah, it sort of is" Alphys said. You sighed, "Ok.. well I better get going, see you later Alphys.." You say waving goodbye.


You reach the Capital, you could see busy monsters walking the streets and some vendors. Kind of like a New York City vibe, you reach the Castle and you see Asriel waiting for you. You waved at him as he walks to you. "Hey Y/N! How are you?" He said as he hugged you. "I'm doing great, how about you? How's the life of a prince?" You say. He gives an exhausted sigh, "Its awful, too many responsibilities and duties to fulfill..I wish I could go back to being a flower.."
He frowns a bit. "Woah, don't say such a thing!" You stated. "......" He remains silent for a while and smiles faintly. "Ok.. I wont" He said. You gave him a reassuring smile, "Hey I have an idea! Lets get some spaghetti in Snowdin, Papyrus actually wants to invite you too! " You proposed. He nodded looking excited, "Great! Lets go!" You say as you grab him.


You and Asriel arrive at Snowdin and you stop at the skelebros' house. Asriel was freezing so you laughed a bit, you then knocked on the door. You hear running footsteps inside, as you move closer to the door, it busts open which surprised you. A white Pomeranian jumps out, you quickly dodged and it runs off with a bone in its mouth. You furrowed your eyebrows and asked yourself what just happened. Asriel was still freezing but has a 'wtf just happened?' face on. You were still confused, then Papyrus comes out, "COME BA--  OH.. H-HELLO HUMAN! BACK ALREADY I SEE... AND IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?" Papyrus said. You turn to see the freezing Asriel as he waves at Papyrus. "Yep, thats... Prince Asriel.." You replied. "WOWIE! THE PRINCE IS HERE AT MY HOUSE! ANYWAY, HUMAN, DID YOU SEE A DOG HOLDING A BONE?" Papyrus said. "Yes... but it.. uh.. ran off somewhere.. over there" You say pointing at a direction. Papyrus nods, "OH OK, THANK YOU HUMAN. BUT FOR NOW I NEED TO FIND THAT DOG, I WILL BE BACK LATER AND PLEASE JUST WAIT FOR ME INSIDE" Papyrus stated. You and Asriel nod, and proceeded to go inside. You and Asriel just sat on the couch and talked.


Sans' POV

I walk back to our house and I spot Papyrus, then I walk to him. "Hey Papy, what'cha lookin' for?" I said. "OH, SANS, THE DOG CAME BACK AND IT TOOK ANOTHER ONE OF THE BONES I USE IN MY SPECIAL ATTACK.. OH AND Y/N IS AT THE HOUSE, BE SURE TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF OUR GUEST UNTIL I GET BACK" Papyrus said. I just nodded and walk away to our house.


I arrive in front of our house and I go inside, by the time I did, I saw Y/N and.... Asriel??? They stop talking to look at me. "Hey Sans!" Y/N says. "Oh howdy!" Asriel says. I sat beside Y/N and glared at Asriel. "Sup Y/N" I said. "Sans, this is--" "Yeah, I know, he's Asriel" I cut her off. Then there was moment of silence...


"Hey uh Sans, didn't your brother say he was cooking spaghetti?" Y/N said. "Yeah" I replied. "May I finish it and surprise Papyrus when he comes back" She said. I nodded and she proceeded to the kitchen, leaving me and Asriel alone. It felt awkward and there was another silence...


"So... why are you here?" I say. "Well... I asked Y/N to meet up with me and she invited me to come here and eat spaghetti" Asriel said.

"Huh...I see.."I said suspiciously.

"Well I--"

"--Alright let's cut to the chase buddy. Do you like Y/N?"

"Well, I do, as a friend of course and-- wait...why are you asking about this?"

"I- uh.. n-nothing! Just curious...hehe" I said nervously.

"Don't worry, I won't tell." He said as he winked.

"Tell her what? What do you mean?" I said, sweating a bit.

"It's ok, I'll keep it a secret good luck." He said. He then headed to the kitchen, after a few seconds he leaves.

Y/N then came out with the spaghetti and placed it on the table. She sat beside me and then another awkward silence came.


I slowly stand up and took a deep breath. "Y/N, I have liked you since the time I laid my eyesockets on you...you make me feel things haven't felt before. You make me happy and I hope I can make you happy too...so Y/N... I lo--"
I was cut off by her kissing me. It was all too sudden so I stood there blushing blue.

"I love you too, sans."


[❤Yes]                                                         [No]


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