Super Old.. Amerita

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((I wrote some Hetalia crack/drabble.. maybe? Eh so short o/, I also wrote this who knows how long ago..?))

    America yawned as he got out of his bed, a queen sized bed with a red blanket on it. He smiled and put his glasses on as well as his jacket which said '50' and 'Hero' on the back of it. The jacket was a brown bomber jacket, and it seemed to mean alot to this jolly country. His eyes though had dark circles under them, appearing like little grey bags. Alfred had been gaming alot after all lately, though the only reason would be to releave stress? Alfred would of course not admit that himself.

He stepped down his carpetted stairs and grabbed a hamburger from his fridge and put it in the microwave; 30 Seconds for a quick heat up. After the 30 seconds Alfie grabbed the hamburger and ran out the door and hopped right onto his motorcycle.The wind blew in his dirty blonde hair as a large smile filled his face, his helmet already on as he drived his motorcycle. He had sent a text message to all the allies. And by axident.., Feliciano. The text message said 'Dudes, not gonna be at any allies

meetings because the hero is taking a vacation at the waterpark! Bye dudes. PS The plan is - Russia is my sidekick and I am the hero alright? Of course I am right! Right!!'  Of course my self-ego showing even in my text messages. Italy was at his home, with Ludwig. He grabbed his flip-phone and checked the message. "Ve~ Thats odd.. why would America send me this?" Italy asked himself looking at his phone confusedly. His honey glazed eyes actually open for once.

   Alfred yawned, as he drove his motorcycle up the hills occasionally. Finally he had made it to this waterpark! While Italy thought about it confusedly it hit him. Alfred was the one he had like for sometime now.. and he was going to a waterpark.. Italy quickly packed his things and got inside of Germany's sports car, driving it to the airport. Going to the country of America. He had a special pass, to carry a car inside the plane and to make the plane go places faster. Around mach 2.5. He arrived at America around 30 minutes later, he was in california, and finding the nearest waterpark near Alfreds

house. His obsession with this man was sort of out of place but, he thought to himself it would be worth it. Sooner or later Italy had made it to the waterpark as well, he quickly ran up to the changing rooms after he paid and changed into his trunks. He opened his shimmering honey eyes to spot Alfred in line for a ride. Feliciano smiled and ran up to his so called 'crush'. He blushed a bit at his attire. Being trunks with no shirt and the design, of course his countrys flag. "Ve~ Heey Alfred!!!" Italy

poked Alfred on the shoulder right as he ran up to his spot in line. Alfred turned around, looking suprised at the Italian. "Oh hi! What a coincidence, your here for vacationing too?" Alfred smiles at Feliciano, making Feli blush pinkly.

  "Y-Yup!" Feliciano studders at his lie, and closes his once opened honey gaze. "Ve.. wanna ride the slide together?" Italy asks his blush becoming redder being around his crush.  "Sure! I'll grab a floaty thingy." Alfred giggles at not knowing what to call the 'floaty thingys'. Feliciano smiled and kept his place in line, opening his honey tinted eyes once again; His eyes shimmering in the summer sun. Alfred ran back up the wooden stairs with a 'floaty thingy', smiling at Feli as somesort of greeting. The Italian blushed a bit, Alfred's abs, his smile, his damp dirty blonde hair, and his glasses and dog tag.

Everything about this man made the Italian's heart stop. Eventually they made it to the top of the line and Alfred smiled. "Ready?" He asked getting onto the 'floaty thingy'. "Mhm!" Feli smiles and closes his honey glazed eyes, as they go down the waterslide. Feli shivered and held onto Alfred, blushing a bit feeling his warm abs. When at the bottom, they splooshed into the water and both of there hair got wet. "Wow, that was fun!" Alfred smiles at Italy, and grabs his hand helping him out of the water. "Ve~ I-It was!" Italy studders as he rubs his eyes and opens them to see Alfred, he blushed a bit. Alfred finally had realized how cute Feliciano looked in his swimsuit. It was similar to his own, trunks with his country flag on it; Though Italy was quite skinny, he didn't have any abs. There was just something about his honey-glazed eyes and his ginger hair and that cute little heart-shaped curl going off to the side that just made his face prune with red.

 "Say, Feli.. Wanna get some icecream? It is pretty hot out here." Alfred giggles after the last words he made in the sentence putting his hands behind his dirty blonde hair, scratching at his scalp with his fingers. Italy smiled and nodded "Yup!" He chirped, grabbing Alfreds hand and running up to the ice cream stand. The stand appeared to sell Dip n' Dots. "Hmm~ You know what you want Al?" Feliciano asks, closing his eyes with a smile. It was odd how sometimes his eyes would be open and most of the time they would be closed. How he got around with his eyes closed, no one really knew that besides Italy himself. "Yep! Can I get a strawberry and chocolate thingy?" Alfred giggled not knowing what to call them. The cashieer nodded and handed Al some, there was only two sizes; Medium or childs. "Can I have a vanilla and banana?" Feliciano asks smiling at the cashieer. He nodded oncemore and handed the ice cream to Italy. "It's free, all on me today!" The cashieer smiles at both

of them. "Really?! Awesome! Cmon Feli, lets go dig in!!" Alfred says as they walk to a bench, right by the pool and the enterance to the hotel area. Italy grabbed his spoon and smiles as he noms his Dip n' Dots. "Ve~ It's good!" Italy smiles at Alfred looking at him. Though Alfred looked at Italy seriously, blushing like crazy. "I-Italy." He says and looks away. "Yes?" Italy tilts his head at Alfred. Alfie didn't answer but he moved his head closer to the Italian and gave him a soft peck on the lips. Feliciano blushed madly at the American not knowing what to think about this sudden action. He broke the kiss after a few seconds. "I l-love you" Alfred blushes and looks away from Feliciano. His eyes filled with sheer embarassment for the male infront of him. Italy just brang out one of the most cheery and suprised smiles to his face. Feliciano opened his honey glazed eyes, glittering with delight

from Alfred's previous claim. The feeling Italy felt.. the sence of the one you have had a silly little girl crush on.. says they love you.. it felt absolutely fantastic.

 Italy snickered and gave Al a soft kiss on the cheek. Al in responce blushing madly as the crimson heat filled his face. "Ve~ Ti amo troppo~ I love you too, Alfie~" Feli hummed cheerfully, and nommed more of the Dip n' Dots they had gotten. Al looked at Feli with delight, a smile filled his face. The absolute releaving feeling Italy felt poured into Alfred's very heart. "This is awkward.. haha." Alfred giggles and noms his Dip n' Dots, smiling at the Italian. Feliciano of course smiling back. "From now

on I declare you my boyfriend ok?!" Alfred spat and his blush returned to his face. "Ve~ Fine with me~" Italy smiles and finishes his Dip n' Dots. Alfred as well finishes his. They both get up and throw their ice cream like treat away and go off to have fun on more rides... THE END?! x333

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2014 ⏰

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