19. Woop

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"So?" Brody ask.

"So what?" I ask turning to him in his office.

"What the fuck was that? You just run off without us." He growls at me as I roll my eyes.

"Listen, this was my fight. You knew that. I told you that and so did my crew. If you're angry with the way I did it them take it up with someone else."

"Seriously?" He glares at me grabbing my arm. "Whats your problem?"

"We are in a good spot, why the hell are you acting like this with me?"

He lets go of my arm and walks out his office leaving me alone. I didn't understand the problem. I knew what i was getting myself into and i knew it would end great in my favor.

I don't rush after him because i know for a fact there is no reason to do so, but it that dream was short lived.

"Jesus Christ, what did you say to him." Jason shakes his head coming into the office.

"Well he started the argument and I told him that I didn't want to fight but he obviously did." i tell him shrugging.

"Um, well he is running rampage and its only been five minutes." Jason says hugging me. "Please, for the people."

"Fine." I grumble walking out the office. i follow the destruction all the way out to the backyard where one of his people point out to the pool. i nod a thanks following where he pointed at.

"Brody." I call looking around for him. "Brody, can you please come out."

I look in the pool sighing. I never understood what was wrong with the boys that I have met in my life. They are so annoying and possessive and it was working the last nerve i had in my body.

"Well since you aren't going to talk to me ill just talk to you and you will have to listen to me." I start out sitting down dipping my feet into the pool. "This was my mission. Not yours, not your pack, not even my pack, but my mission. Yes I do get it, you're my mate and i do understand that but there are just things about me that i can't change."

I look around hoping he would pop up but no sign of him yet even though i did smell him and he was rather close.

"I want you to know that I am with you one hundred percent. I thought about you the whole time i was over there and i couldn't wait to come back to you. I know you probably thought that i was going to stay but i couldn't. I cant rule over people that never had my back." I grumble more to myself than anyone else. I sigh heavily laying on my back splashing my feet in the water a little.

"Thank you." I look up to Brody as he smiles down at me. "It was really scary. Even though i felt a little better yesterday, I just couldn't swallow it this morning."

"I understand." I tell him as he sits next to me. "It was a bad move but i knew if we had done the regular plan, we would all be dead right now."

"Well, we did it your way." He smiles pulling me onto his lap. "I'm just glad you are back. I know this isn't ideal for you but I'm really happy that you are with me."

"I am too." I took my feet out of the water and turned so that i was facing him and I smiled widely. "So whats next for us?"

"What's next? I'm going to knock you up duh." He laughs making me roll my eyes at him.

"You're so freaking annoying." I laugh as he kisses my neck.

"Well soon you will settle in and i will get you more clothes and then maybe the babies." He smiles making me nod.

"I like that order."


1 year later

"YOU!" I barge into Brody's office as he rolls his eyes at me.

"I'm in a meeting." He growls through gritted teeth.

"You have been in meetings all morning and you said you had a break at one and it is one, so." I glare at the alphas that was just staring between us both as Brody sighs standing up.

"Five minutes, no more than Five minutes do you hear me?" he ask as I nod eagerly.

He takes me up into his room pulling me into his lap sighing. "Yes my lovely Luna, what is so important."

"There is a problem with the order." I tell him as he cocks his head to the side and I knew he didn't remember what I was talking about but I was going to keep him guessing.

"Baby, what are you even talking about?"

"The order, we had a order and we skipped the second step. I need clothes."

"You need clothes." He laughs then stop gasping. "No fucking way."

"Yes fucking way. We are having a pup."

"Fuck, I'm sorry we skipped a step baby, but yes!" he lifts me in the air kissing my face and pulling me closer to him. "This is the best day of my life."

"Are you going to finish your meeting? It's been longer than five minutes."


Hello followers.

The first chapter of this story was posted 2013 20fucking13 

amd im finishing it almost 6 years later.

 times have changed and for some reason it was really hard finishing this story but not only that but a lot has happened in the past years and im glad i finished it. 

i want to ppost another story on here but i dont know yet. I have written the chapters its just posting them you know. 

but hope you all enjoyed.

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