We're Going To Play A Game

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As soon as I woke up I knew something was going on. Edward had an unusually stressed look on his face. "Edward what's wrong." "Alice and Emmett want to play a game. If we don't play Alice said she would tie you down and play Bella Barbie for 24 hours. Emmett said he would keep me away while Alice did that." "what do they want to play?" "I don't know. Whenever they were talking to me they were singing Barbie Girl in their head." "Well only one way to find out, let's go to your house." As we were dirving I had a sinking feeling I would regret this.

Before we even got out of the car Alice came running out screaming, "Comeonhurryupwegotagametoplay!!!" It took me a minute to figure that out "Come on hurry up we got a game to play!!!" Edward picked me up and ran to the house. "If we don't hurry she might play Bella Barbie right now." When we got to the front room we all sat on the floor in a circle. Everyone was there except Carlisle and Esme. Emmett was grinning evilly, Alice was bouncing up and down so fast she was vibrating, Jasper looked extremely nervous, Rosalie was looking at me with a wicked grin, and Edward looked like he wanted to kill somebody. Alice somehow managed to talk slow enough for me to understand, "Okay, We are all going to play truth or dare!!! The only rule us you can't do anything to hurt Bella. Other than that anything goes!" Oh god what am I in for?

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