The Main Building

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    "I'm not gonna ask again....WHO THE FUCK DO YOU WORK FOR!?"

    I guess introductions are in order. The screaming bald guy with the beer gut, that's my Dad Richard Wilkes.

    "I ain't saying shit, you fat fuck!"

    And then there was this dumbass. Currently, he was tied up in a chair in the middle of the office. It wasnt anything super fancy. A shitty old rug with a desk, a counter, a safe, and a staircase with a door at the bottom.

Not the point.

    This guy had tried breaking in when my Dad and I caught him. There would only be one reason why he would be trying to get in the door...power.
    Dad gave me a look, I definitely knew this look. It was the look he gave when someone royally pissed him off and something wasn't gonna end well for somebody. I smiled, so did my Dad after a couple seconds.

   "Just so you know, We're gonna get answers out of you. One way or another."

Dad stared at the guy with a devious and malicious smile.

   "Scott, you wanna go first?" He asked not looking away.


    I grabbed a small box off of the desk. I fiddled with it while I leaned back against the desk. I was eyeing this guy with a chuckle; He had no idea what was coming.

   "I'd like to say that I'm nicer than my Dad." I started while opening the small box."Not in this case. Dad likes to pummel people to get answers. Likes to let his fists do the talking. But that's no way to Get answers when you want them quick. You see, I like to get creative when it comes to making people talk. This usually works real well."

    I pull 6 Needles out of the Box and place them onto the Counter to my right. Grabbing one and holding the Guy's Hand, I forcefully slide the needle under the Guy's Thumbnail. His Screams' filled the room. He threw his head back, sweating Bullets and on the verge of tears.

   "Who do you work for?" I asked calmly.o

   "I won't tell." I smiled,

   "Suit yourself." I slid another needle underneath his index finger. He's gonna crack.

   "WAIT! I WORK FOR DONOVAN! PLEASE STOP!" the man pleaded.

   "Should have figured it was him." Dad concluded. "Alright, Why don't you go check on things?" I nodded and put the needles away.

   "You guys are gonna let me go right?"

   I laughed walking out the door.

   The Office was directly off of the Garage. This was the Main Building in the compound. This was where we conducted most of the operations around here.


   I look to my left and see one of my Uncles'.

   "Hey, Uncle Jordan." He was one of my Dads Step-Brothers'. Not a guy to be fucked with. He's an Ex-Marine, not exactly the type you want to get on the bad side of. Then again, no one in my family really was.

    "You get him to talk?"

    "I always do." I smiled.

    "Atta Boy! Was it Donovan?"

    "Yeah, shouldn't have figured any less. Dads in there giving him the business. You can go in there if you wanna take a couple swings?"

He laughed. "Thanks for the generous offer, but I gotta get this up and running." Gesturing to the Tiller he was leaning over.

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