Hi again?

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Heyyyyyy guys!!!
I honestly can't remember the last time I updated this book but you all still write me really nice comments and I still appreciate every single one!
So your probably wondering why I'm even updating this book seeing as I said I'm not going to finish it but...
seeing as it's currently the summer holidays and I have 2 weeks left, I thought I would try and write more chapters because let's be honest you guys would have never known is Lucaya got back together or not!
So I'm not saying that this is going to be a permanent thing but I kinda wanna start writing again?
Also can I just say that my GRAMMER and writing skills will still have not changed so this isn't going to be that amazing but never mind!
I think one of the reasons I'm gonna try and finish this book is because I was looking through loads of Lucaya and peybrina pictures with gabs GabsMay and yeh basically 😂
Also one other thing:
I'm not sure how often this book will start being updated again because obviously there is school and I always get writers block and that's really quite annoying😂
Sooooo.... I always ask you guys this but can you comment any ideas for people's posts or anything that will help me update quicker?!
Anyway I'm gonna go now.... Thankyou so much for reading this because it means that you haven't given up on the book!
- saids xoxo
^^ I should so be the next gossip girl lol😂

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