Chapter seven: The Bad News

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Amber: Brie get up its 2:30 WE HAVE TO GO TO THE AIRPORT
Brie: ugh I'm up now lets go!
Amber: hurry grab your suitcases and lets go
Brie: bad new roman said new people are coming
Amber: what are their names?
Brie: I dunno he never told me
Amber: lets go
Ambers phone rings
Amber: hey coco what's up
Nikki: ambsy can you come pick me up from my hotel my bayley went with Sasha cause I wanted to go later so can you?
Amber: we're here
Nikki: oh how did you come so quick
Amber: I know you wanted to get picked up I'm not that dumb
Nikki: bye love you
Amber: bye love you to
Call ends
Nikki: hey Briezy hey Ambsy
Both: hey Coco
Amber: so did you here there are gonna be new people
Nikki: girl or boy
Amber: girls
Nikki: so there are more than one there's two
Amber: *coughs* there are three
Nikki: sisters
Amber: yep all three
Nikki: triplets
Amber: yep how did you guess
Nikki: I knew there were gonna be new twins I got a text
Brie: well they might be coming after us for our tag titles and your championship title
Amber: nope no one is getting them I'm not giving it up that easy
Brie: finally at the airport
(Camera on)
Nikki Pov
Triplets oh guess these bitches better be ready for the beat down of their life stupid triplets thinking they can replace us not even like get a life bitches we're ready
(Camera off)
Bries Pov
Finally at the airport now we have to fly for 4 hours this is gone be fun not well I guess I'll post a pic on Insta can't Wait to go to work
Amber: so our car is gonna be driven around to us when we go out the front we tell the person at front desk then they tell the driver to come around there we go all done email sent
Brie: ok cool how long now till we land
Nikki: about now
Amber: there we go guys get our bags and let's leave
Nikki Pov
So we walk up to the person at front desk and they tell us our car is alresdy waiting so we all good can't wait
Amber: so we're about ten minutes away from raw so you want Starbucks
Both: yep
Machine lady: hi welcome to Starbucks please tell me your order when your ready
Amber: hi can I please get 3 large vanilla bean frappuccino and 2 large caramel frappuccion and 2 large java chip frappuccino thank you
Machine lady: yep that's 20 dollars please drive forward
Amber: thank you
Brie: why did you get three
Amber: cause John and Becky want one
Brie: oh yea hah
Nikki: i got the java chip cause me and Seth love that one
Brie: I got Carmel cause that's what roman and I love
Amber: oh god I just wanna find out what they look like and what their names are

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