As the car rocked from side to side from the wind on the open road Skye began to slowly drift off to sleep. When she woke she looked out the window at the pink and blue sky. She realized she was a long way from the city. There was no turning back now. She reached across the back seat and got her laptop and headphones and sat them on her lap on a pillow. She turned it on and saw a photo of her and all her friends at her old school. They didn't even know she had gone, She was meant to leave the city in two weeks at the end of term. She didn't even know why they had to leave.
"Why did we have to leave dad?" She asked putting her headphone's around her neck.
"New start" He replied
"Why, everything was fine"
He sighed. he was begging to get short with her "Work was boring and I needed a change"
"Is that right mum?"
Her mum looked at her dad "Yes it's true" She said with no emotion
"You may have needed a change but we don't"
"Skye were a family, If one goes everyone else comes"
"Fine so if I go home you guys have to come too"
"Skye that's enough! I don't want to hear another word about it" He yelledShe rolled her eyes at him and put her headphones back on and turned her music up loud. Out of the 100,000+ towns in Australia they had to move to the bay. A place she had never heard of before. She grew up in the city and was used to the large population and the shops, now she was moving to a town where everyone knew everything about everyone and there was only a corner store. How was she going to go at school, would she make friends quickly or would she be the unpopular kid. She knew no one in the town, or so she thought.
By the time they got there it was dark. The 10 hour drive felt like it was never going to end.
"Great now that were here, where are we gonna stay?" She asked sarcastically
"Somewhere" Her dad replied
Not long later they pulled into a driveway. Her dad got out of the car leaving her and her mum in the car. She took her seat belt off and moved across to be in between the two seats so she could see what was going on. She could see her dad talking to someone at the door.
"Just stay here" Her mum said putting her hand on Skye's arm
"Why would I go anywhere" She replied looking straight out the window at her dadWho was the guy he was talking to she wondered
"Who's that?" She whispered
"Your cousin" Her mum replied
"Actually he's your dad's cousin"
"How did I not know about this" She replied
"Your dad doesn't really like talking about it"
"Why" She asked as her mum got out of the car. She didn't know whether or not to get out as well. She eventually got out and went around to the back of the car where her mum was.
"We can't stay here can we?" She asked her mum
"I dunno" Her mum replied grabbing a bottle of water and closing the boot. She heard her dad come up to the car with his cousin.
"Brax, you remember Susie" He asked
"Yeah, it was a long time ago though"
"Hi" Her mum said
"And this must be Skye" Said Brax
"Yeah" She replied "Your parent's named you Brax, they must be evil"
"It's a nickname, If I tell you my real name I'd have to kill you" Brax Joked
Skye laughed, at least he had more of a sense of humor than her dad.
"You've grown up heaps"
She looked at him weird
"You might not remember but I've known you since you were a baby when your dad and I were close"
"That must have been along time ago" Said SkyeThey went inside to where there were two other men a bit younger than Brax
"Hey Heath, Casey your remember our cousin Drew?" Asked Brax
"Hey" Heath said coming up and shaking his hand
"Drew?" Casey questioned
"You might have been too young the last time we were here mate" Drew replied
"This is Susie and Skye" Said Brax
Heath looked at Skye "You've grown up" He said Smiling
"So I've heard" She replied
"I remember when you were a baby"
"But I don't remember you guys"
"Well durr you were a baby" Laughed Casey
"Yeah" She laughed
"Hey we don't want to be forcing ourselves on you but we need somewhere to stay tonight" Drew asked Brax
"No that's fine, we've got a spare room" Said Brax
"Thanks" Replied DrewSkye went out to the car with her parents and got her bag out and came back in by herself. She felt weird being in a house with people she didn't really know. She sat on the couch quietly. Casey jumped over the couch and sat next to her. When he landed on the couch it made her bounce up. He reached for the remote and turned on the TV.
"So what year are you in Skye?" He asked
"10, what about you?"
"I left school. It's in the genes, none of us liked it"
"I don't mind it"
"Got any friends"
"Had." She replied
"What do you mean had?"
"well we weren't meant to move for another two weeks when I finished the term but I got home yesterday and dad was already packing the car"
"He said he needed a change"
"Hey, got any photo's from when you lived in the city?" He asked
"Yeah on my laptop. I'll go get it" She said getting up
She went out the door to the car. She could hear quiet yelling. Her parent's arguing...again like they always did. She couldn't hear much but what she did hear she didn't like the sound of."Why'd you have to come here?" Her mum yelled quietly
"We'll there was no where else to go"
"We'll if you didn't have to leave all the sudden we could have planned something"
"It's fine, Skye's safe here"
Skye thought what would she be in danger from? She didn't know whether or not to speak up. She went back to the door and made it look like she just came out and heard nothing.
"Hey mum, have you seen my laptop" She asked walking towards the car
"Ahh I think it's on the back seat sweetie" She replied
"OK thanks" She said opening the door and taking it outShe went back inside and sat next to Casey showing him all the old photo's. The whole time she couldn't stop thinking about what she had just heard. Maybe there was more to this than she first thought.
Hope you enjoy and don't forget to review please :) :)

Blood & Sand: Que Sera Sera {Original}
JugendliteraturPeople say you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, you just never thought you'd lose it. {Brax & Ricky}, Casey, Kyle, Heath, Bianca and Skye (Other Character) Original from