"That's what it's like being a girl." Cameron Dallas Imagine

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  Warnings: Sexual language  

"Hello munchkins! This is Y/N and welcome back to another episode of "Featuring Mon Frere"! This is serious features my brother and it mostly consists of challenges and vlog-ish ideas. If you enjoy this episode, please click that like button and don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more! For those of you who do not know, my brother, or mon frere as I like to say, is Cameron Dallas. And here he is! Oh, also, this episode is not suitable for children under 14 so discretion is advised."

Cameron comes and sits down on the chair next to mine.

"Hey guys! So Y/N, what are we doing today?"

"Well, I thought we could go through my unopened DM's on the gram." I said as I tried to hold back laughter.

"Oh? That's what we're doing today?" He asked letting a bit of a chuckle loose.

"Yes, that's what we're doing today." I adjusted myself in my chair and proceeded to open Instagram on my phone. "I did a warning before but will do it again... Explicit content will be following this warning! Please do NOT watch this if you are not comfortable with the mention of sexual content."

Cameron looked very concerned, like he wasn't expecting them to be sexual. After my warning, I handed my phone over to Cam and we proceeded.

"Oh, don't open the message if it's a girl, I'll be responding to them later. Just open the ones with guys."

"Okay, here's the first one... This guy said *chuckle* oh my. He said "Hey babe, you got nice legs. Age? hmu." and he gave you his number." Cam let out a small laugh.

This went on, nothing too bad until we got to about the 21st message.

"Bra size?"

"You a virgin?"

"How much dick can you suck at a time?"

"How can these men disrespect you like that? It's so gross. and I thought that I had it bad with some girls." Cam said as he handed my phone back "Guys are so gross."

"That they are. I normally get worse ones."

"Worse?!" Cam said in shock.

"Yup, maybe no one wanted to get into a fight with my big brother." I playfully punched his arm.

"That does it for this episode of "Featuring Mon Frere"! I will link the rest of the videos in this playlist down below. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day munchkins! Au revoir!"

I shut off my camera and Cam stopped in my doorway.

"I can't believe those guys sent you that." He said in disbelief as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, well welcome to being a girl." I replied as I shooed him out of my room and shut the door.

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