~3~What They Call A Heart~

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Side Note~ This chapter is very boring and I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Please read the bottom of the chapter for more info. Lots of love!


       I was studying for our upcoming tests that were tomorrow.. Ming said he would help me, but since he brought Kit he showed his "friend" off to the world by going live on instagram. You know, just like every other night. It didn't bother me that much though, since he is popular I expected it.

       It has been a couple hours of just me studying when I slowly felt myself drifting off to sleep when I saw my phone light up

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       It has been a couple hours of just me studying when I slowly felt myself drifting off to sleep when I saw my phone light up. It was a notification from P'Pha, and my heart sunk. Why would he LINE (text) me at a time like this? Unless he's dead, he isn't going to be let off of this too easily.

9:13 P.M: Hey, do you need help studying Yo?

        Dang it! Is he watching the live? I can't just ignore him after he had dinner with me earlier. That would make me look like the villain of a Disney movie. Plus, with Phana's fan's (who I call stalkers), they will find out and burn me in flames if they knew that I ignored him. I was just about to unlock my phone to respond when I hear a knock on my door. There's no way that's P'. Does he have a death wish? What would the fangirls/boys do when they see him on the live.

     I open the door and look up and down at P'Pha. His glorious figure can blind you. His white button up shirt that was so tight with his muscles, and how he always loosened the top buttons can make you loose it all.

"I'm here to help you study." P'Pha said while wrapping his arm around me. I feel my ears turning red. I was heading to my couch since Ming and Kit were sitting on my bed while doing a live and face timing Beam and Forth! Seriously, how does he even survive without studying? From what I could tell, Forth and Beam were just "hanging out" in a really fancy restaurant, alone, holding hands. I tried not to think about it too much and continued my way to the couch with P'Pha.

       I sat down on the floor with P'Pha behind me. His thighs next to my ears. Gosh, this sounds like a fanficiton. I'm trying to not let my inner fanboy be realsed. Well, trying.

"What are you studying on?"

"Oh, Uh-" I snap back to reality, this horrible reality. P'Pha began to slide down behind me until his legs were wrapped around me and we were both sitting on the floor. Wayo, this is just what guys do, okay! He leans his head onto mines while looking at my notes. NO HE JUST TOOK THIS TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL!

       P'Pha was looking at my notes with a relaxed face when his phone started shooting notifications faster than light. I happen to glance at his phone and I saw it was from probably thousands of people who DM him, asking him if he and Pring broke up. I had no clue why they would ask that until I looked up and saw Ming recording us on his live. Do they think he's gay? Is it because of me?

      I started to grow worry, thinking about how P'Pha would react to thousands of people suddenly thinking he's turning the other way, if you know what I mean. He just chuckled and open his phone to the lock screen. He pushed the DO NOT DISTURB button and put his phone away. Me, being the sneaky person I am looked at his lock screen. His lock screen wasn't a picture of his girlfriend like you expected, but a photo of his cat. A cat!

       I tried to shake off what just happened and went back to my studies. Since the test was tomorrow, I shouldn't be this distracted. I need to make good grades and let everyone know that I am capable of things too! I'm not just Wayo, the kid with chubby cheeks who hasn't hit puberty yet.


       I was studying and reviewing the notes with P'Pha still. Ming and Kit already went home, possibly together. Frankly, I don't even know anymore to be honest.

"P'Pha want anything to drink or eat?" I ask, trying to be considerate to a guest.

"No thanks Yo" he said while rubbing my head. I try not to blush, but I can't contain it. He just takes over me like that.

       After studying, P'Pha wanted to stay a bit. Why, well not even I'm sure. I'm not complaining though. I really only see Ming and Kit now since Forth and Beam are usually busy. It's nice to have company. Especially if it's P'Pha. P'Pha just puts a calmness over me, letting me forget all of my troubles.

       I felt myself dozing off, no matter how hard I tried to fight it. I don't want P'Pha to think that I'm boring! I'm just really tired. I slowly uncontrollably close my eyelids and fall to the side. What was I thinking, what if he hurts me? Gosh, I'm such a fool


Woah you're still reading?! I know this chapter is lame and I'm sorry! Please forgive me! But hey, I updated like three times out of four days, so does that make you forgive me a little? Well, I promise the next chapter will be more interesting. (I said that every chapter but who cares). ALSO~ in a few more chapters I was planning for some intense things to happen. Like NOT sex (not yet lol) but like some things that can be sensitive and triggering so I'm sorry if youre easily triggered. RIP. Thanks for reading and lots of love!


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