I got tagged by My_Chemical_Phangirl
This Tag was made by her. Follow her and make sure to give her lots of love1) S-a-r-a-h but I go by Sam. I forgot to tell my teachers that so now I'm stuck as Sarah. Ugh someone help me
2)*checks scetch book* Um Yes I ship Phan. Man I should really make my art book and other stuff soon
3) I hate this question. I forget my age all the time. I think I'm almost 13 I don't remember maybe I'm 13 umm....
4) some songs are okayish but I'm happy this year because I met a teacher who loves Hamilton and in the heights and I told her to check out dear Evan Hansen and she will play songs from Hamilton in class. P.S. she Is going to see Hamilton. I know I'm jealous to ;-; but but but I'm getting off topic carry on!
5) F**ck I love studio c and I love anime. BOTH
6)Yeah I'm kind of into it
I'll tag a few people im lazy
And last but definitely not least