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It was 14:15 in Lawrence, Kansas, as fifteen year old, Sam Winchester walked home from school. Usually, he would get a lift from one of his elder brothers, Michael or Dean, however today they were both out.

As Sam walked down the isolated path towards his neglected home, he noticed a large truck in the driveway and immediately recognised who it belonged to.

His dad.

The Winchester's Dad was hardly ever home, only on the odd occasion once a month and whenever he was, Michael and Dean were always there to protect Sam from his alcohol induced outbursts.

But today, his brother's were out.

Sam was partly relieved, he always felt ridden with guilt when his brothers would take the blows for him but still, the fear swam around inside him.

He took a deep breathe. He could just turn away now, before it's too late.

But that would make him a coward. He was sick of being a coward.

So instead he strode ahead.

Maybe he was being brave. Or maybe he was being stupid. Either way, he was doing it.

As he opened the door, there was a pull in his gut, telling him to turn back.

"Dean?!" His father's voice boomed.

Sam silently followed it to find his father with his head in the fridge, searching out a new glass bottle of alcohol no doubt. He whipped his head around, his neck almost cracking from the speed. "Sam." He snarled.

Sam didn't move. Maybe he won't hurt me.

He edged closer as Sam took steps back, not stopping until his back was pressed against the cold wall, John's face inches from his own.

"Where're your brothers?"

"They're out."


"With friends. Dean's with Cas and Michael's with Lucifer." Sam rushed out, turning his head to the side in hope to get away from the stench accumulating from John's mouth.

"Novaks," John spat. "Faggots. They're sins. Abominations. They deserve to rot in Hell." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "They're affecting my sons with their disgusting ways. Its not long before they get to you too. Getting into your head." As he said head he raised the glass bottle, smashing it onto the side.

Sam collapsed from the pain, expecting to hit the ground. But instead he was grabbed by his collar, being held up by his so called father.

"Oh no. I'm not finished with you yet."

"Dad, please." Sam muttered, feeling unconsciousness tackling his vision.

Instead of stopping, John dropped the bottle, raising his other hand to Sam's neck.

He heard the front door open and Dean's panicked voice yelling his name, probably after seeing their father's truck.

Dean burst into the room, pulling John off Sam who fell to the floor, watching sideways as Dean beat his Dad to the floor before his eyes slowly shut.

In My Time Of Dying - SabrielWhere stories live. Discover now