The new girl

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We all walk into pyramid. We all stand in a straight line.

"Ok girls lets look at the pyramid."


Maddie Mackenzie Brooke

Nia Kendall Paige Chloe

I was upset I was at the bottom. I only lost by half a point.

"Girls this placement on the pyramid is how you did at the last competition. Not the rehearsal." Abby said.

I sighed.

"Now you guys are probably wondering who Kalani is. She was a contestant on Abby's ultimate dance competition. Kalani, Kira come not out." Abby said.

A tall pretty girl came out the door. Her brown hair was pulled back into a neat little bun.

"I have two solos. They are going to Maddie and Mackenzie. We also have a duo with Kalani and Chloe. Then there is the trio with Brooke Kendall and Paige." Abby said.

I look at my mother who seems to be happy.

"Maddie your solo is called 'Maddie'. Mackenzie you are doing a solo called Red. The duo is called 'For you to' and last but not least the trio is called buckle up." (A/N brooke will take Chloe's spot in that trio)

"Lets get stretching girls" Abby yelled.

With that all the moms went upstairs.


We had a 30 minute break for dinner. I see Kalani and Maddie are getting along together pretty good.

"Aren't you excited for the duo?" I ask Kalani.

"Ehhh your not very good." Maddie replied.

That hurt. I know she's mean to me but when we were little we use to be the best of friends.


(A/N ik it's short I just didn't want you guys hanging there with no update.)

To be the Best //Chloe LukasiakWhere stories live. Discover now