Chapter 1

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"If I know what love is, it is because of you." - Herman Hesse


When I leave my apartment to go to work this morning, a breathtaking sight greets me. The gorgeous pink cherry blossoms are beginning to bloom all around the town of Twin Pines, Massachusetts. The sun is staying out longer each day. The temperature is warming, and I can already tell that this Spring will be a beautiful one.

I walk in to work at The Café, and immediately grab my dark magenta colored apron and put it on. Just as I begin to walk towards the front door to open up for the day, a loud voice catches my attention.

"Lily! Good morning!" My best friend Niall says excitedly. He has only worked with me here for a few weeks, but we went to high school together.

"Hey Ni!" I reply, before turning back towards the door, and flipping the sign from "Closed" to "We're Open!"

"How was your night?" Niall asks me.

"Pretty well, considering I didn't get home until 11:30. These late shifts are gonna be the death of me!" I exhale, while Niall grins widely.

"Well, I went home and ate food, so I guess you could consider my night pretty damn amazing." Niall laughs.

"Sound fun! I wish we could talk more but we have to get the kitchen ready; Customers will start arriving any minuet." I say while Niall nods in agreement. We both walk back to the kitchen and start making simple things such as coffee and tea, when I hear the bell at the front door signaling that people have arrived.

"Anybody here?" a loud voice, most likely male, yells from the other room.

"Just a second!" I quickly reply.

"Hey Niall can you take care of them real quick? I am almost done with the drinks, and then I'll bring them out."

"Sure thing." Niall mumbles, while walking out the door towards the customers.

After Niall walked out I finish up the Tea and Coffee, and then fill the pitchers up, before grabbing them both and taking them to the bar. As I am setting them down on the counter, I hear a muffled cough, signaling that someone wanted my attention.

"How can I help you?" I say while grabbing some disposable coffee mugs and stacking them under the counter.

"Lily I have to take a piss, do you think you could take those people their drinks? Its just two English teas- thats all. I'll be back in like 20 seconds....."

I look up to see Niall standing, with his legs crossed. "I got ya Ni!" I mumble while standing up, and then busting out in laughter.

"Oh fuck off!!" Niall says jokingly, and then takes off running towards the bathroom I grab the teas and head around the corner, towards what sounds like a conversation, which is where I'm assuming the customers are. When I see the customers, they are sitting at a booth. One, the male, had his back facing me, while I could see the others face. It was a young girl, probably college age with long, wavy, blonde hair. I smile at her and she returns the gesture, as I apporoach the small table.

"Two English teas?" I ask the girl nicely.

"Right here!" she replies, smiling brightly.

I hand her one drink and then turn to the male, and I see him for the first time. He was quite tall and had perfectly tanned skin. His hair was a medium shade of brown, with curly locks all around his head- except for the very front, where it was quiffed upwards. His hand reaches toward the tea and I quickly remember that I have yet to give it to him.

"Oh! I'm sorry- here you go-" I say as I hand him the mug. It was that exact moment that we locked eyes. His eyes were a lively green. They resembled something in between shimmering emeralds and a deep sea of forrest trees.

"No problem, love." he replied, with an adorable grin.

"Do you guys need anything else?" I ask.

They both glance at each other before looking back at me. "No, I think we're-" the girl starts to say, and is then interrupted by the guy coughing at her from across the table.

"Actually, I need one thing." he says.

"Sure, what's that?" I ask as I pull my notepad out, assuming that he is going to need to order something.

He tries to talk, but pauses, laughs to himself, almost in a nervous manor, and then continues.

"What's your name love?" he asks me with a grin spreading across his face.

My heart flutters slightly at the sound of his words. I know this is the first time I have ever even seen the guy, but he is absolutely breathtaking. His appearance, his way of speaking, his manors, his everything; All of him is just admirable.

I am slightly caught off guard by this question, but I recover and reply.

"Lily." I reply.

"Just Lily?" he asks.

"Lily Grace Matthews." I say, feeling my cheeks begin to redden.

"What about you?" I ask.

"My name is Harry!" He exclaims, causing a light giggle to escape my mouth.

"Just Harry?" I ask, just as he did to me, with a smile on my face.

He began to laugh. His laugh was amazing. It was not just a small, normal laugh, but a laugh that is contagious and could seem to make everything in the world seem better.

"Harry Styles. Harry Edward Styles." He simply replied.

If a pretty girl, which I think may be his girlfriend, wasn't sitting right in front of him, I would have thought that the way he asked was somewhat flirtatious. I quickly brush off the idea, because he doesn't seem like that "player" type of guy that hits on girls in the presence of his date. I don't know why, but it bothers me slightly, almost as if I wish he was flirting.

"Ahem..." the girl coughs toward Harry, while awakening me from my internal thoughts.

"Oh yea, that's Gemma." He says to me.

"Thanks for forgetting me there Harry...." Gemma states sarcastically.

As I begin to think about how they DO actually know each other, I come to the conclusion that Gemma is probably incredibly lucky, and that they are most likely dating, just as I first thought. My thoughts are interrupted, yet again, when Niall suddenly rushes up behind me, and apologizes numerous times for taking so long.

"It's all good Ni. I'll let you get to it!" I say, and begin to walk back in the direction of the espresso bar.

"Wait! Lily!" Harry exclaims, making me turn around awkwardly, wondering what he possibly will say with his deep, raspy, and thick English accent.

"Yea Harry?" I reply, trying not to seem anxious.

"I hope I can see you around sometime." He says with a cheeky grin and sends me a wink, causing my stomach to begin to flutter, and my cheeks instantly heat up.

I nod, and think to myself- I hope so, Harry. I sure hope so. - before finally breaking eye contact, walking around to corner- out of sight, and start to wonder if I will ever have the privilege of meeting this Harry Edward Styles guy again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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