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*Juliet's POV*
He's being weird. I'm not terrified, but I'm not excited. I lean up and kiss him, he looks really surprised. He climbs on top of me, but gently. He starts lightly running his hands through my hair, almost lovingly? I gasp quietly, causing him to kiss me, he starts to make out with me, and he takes off his shirt. 'I hope he doesn't hurt me' I think. I take my shirt all the way off, and he undresses both of us. I'm unaware of how to act, but fate is fear.
*Harry's POV*
I undress us both, and I slowly start to finger her, getting her ready. I'm not sure how I'm gonna be gentle. But I have to. I slowly get up, and slide into her. She arches her back, but doesn't cry out like normal. Am I succeeding? I slowly pick up speed, but not going too fast. I slowly whisper "I love you" and I realize she heard me when she says "I love you too." I don't speed up, I just stare at her lovingly. I feel her start to get tighter around me, I realize she's close. I moan loudly, and I speed up, but not enough to hurt her. She starts cumming, and when she's done I pull out and I cum onto her legs. I suddenly feel myself wanting to clean her up, and then holding her until we fall asleep. I just want her. I want her to love me, and I want to be able to show it. I want her to love me so I know I'm not the monster I think I am.
*Juliet's POV*
He said he loves me... Maybe he's just emotional right now, he can't love me? He kidnapped me, he ripped me away from my family, and my boyfriend, Jimmy... I wonder if he's okay? what if he's moved on, what if they haven't even searched for me. I am 21, and my relationship with my family isn't very good. I really only had Jimmy, and i know he doesn't care about me as much as i wish he did. I don't see how Harry could love me. I'm nothing to him but a toy. I watched him slowly get up, i saw his arms contract and his tattoos slowly being covered up by his shirt. he grabbed a wet rag, and cleaned me off, why is he doing this? "Harry?"
he looked at me panicked. "Yes, love?" my heart fluttered lightly "Why are you being so nice to me?" his eyes softened with sadness. "Juliet, i love you. i want you to love me too. i'm sorry for taking you away from everything you had, i just knew when i saw you i had to have you. you wouldn't have fallen for someone like me, so i took you. please, don't hate me." i started tearing up, i felt like sobbing, but i also felt safe? i knew in this moment, that i loved him, but i couldn't tell him. or could i?
AN: a bit of a longer chapter. just going to apologize for starting this story with smut, i knew i wanted to, but i'm not sure how anyone will react to it.
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