Fire Queen and Ice Princess (WonB)

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"YAH! If you can't control it we are never getting out of this room." Sinb huffed under her breath at the older girl who simply sat on the floor. "You know for someone who can manipulate water you're such a hot head." Sowon said trying to put the flames in her palms down. Earlier that day the two girls bumped into each and of course Sinb was the first to say heated words making the other girl more flustered than angry and release balls of fire uncontrollably. The situation escalated when Sinb sprayed the girls face which was for nothing more than amusement. The headmaster ordered the two into the indestructible room that only unlocked at a certain temperature, before either could do more damage, leading them to the position now. Sowon on the floor trying to control herself and Sinb crossing her arms frustrated with her elder of 3 years. "Anger or embarrassment?" Sinb's voice cut through the silence and startled Sowon creating a slightly bigger flame than before. "W-what?" Sinb allowed herself to chuckle at the other girl as she stared up at her with red checks and unsteady eyes. "Your powers are fueled by emotions. Apparently when you're embarrassed you can't control your abilities properly." Sowon stood up to meet Sinb's eyes. Even though slightly hovered over the young girl she tried not to break eye contact as she explained. "What's yours ? How do you always have it so well controlled?" Sowon's eyes twinkles with curiosity as she searched Sinb's eyes for an answer. The younger girl felt herself heating up under her gaze and turned to the corner staying silent for a moment. "Sadness." Just as Sowon was going to give up on an answer, she was granted one. "When it happens it's like all the water in the world has flooded my body and I can't control it. That's mostly why I don't open up to people I refuse to fall victim to sadness." Sowon aimlessly nodded her head as she took this in. Sinb was a sweet and sensitive person but her weakness held her back from showing it so she presented herself as the opposite from it. In that moment something overcame Sowon as she walked towards the young girl and grabbed her waist pulling her into a kiss, her body was still emanating way too much heat for a person to handle but as Sinb was insensitive to most temperatures as the water that seemed to flow through her veins absorbed it. The kiss without a doubt surprised Sinb but she kissed Sowon back without a doubt before peeling herself away. "Y-you're not as hot as before. I mean you're hot but not hot like fire hot just looks." Sinb stuttered out before turning around and cursing herself for becoming completely illogical from a 7 second kiss and yes she counted. Sinb wasn't close to Sowon for more than one reason and at least half of those was because she found the girl completely magnetic. No matter what she was drawn in by her which essentially pissed her off and caused her to be mean to her earlier. "If you avoid sadness by being closed I thought I should avoid it by being confident." The more Sowon spoke the more her body flared up hotter than before. "You can't just kiss the first person you see to test your confidence." Sinb's back was still to Sowon and she didn't notice her take another step forward until Sowon's warm breath hit her ear making her freeze. "It worked and it wasn't just anyone i-it was you HwangBi." Maybe it was the wavering in the heat emitting from Sowon or the new nickname but something compelled Sinb to turn around and when she did she was met with another kiss. It was small but Sowon's confidence definetly grew as the hands placed upon her hips slipped barely under her shirt and rubbed circles on her bare hips. As Sowon seemed to cool down Sinb was sure she was on fire herself. The click of the door sounded but the two girls were two engrossed in each other to notice. Finally pulling away for air, Sinb went to walk out of the room only to find herself trapped between Sowon's hands. Sowon put her forehead on Sinb's and closed her eyes. "You cool me down not confidence. And if I open you up I'll make sure you're never sad." Sowon kept her hands on the small girl but gave her more than enough freedom to walk away. Only this time it was Sinb frozen in place and trying to find embarrassment or resentment in the taller girl only to see confidence in her words. Sinb simply pecked the girls lips and grabbed her hand. "If you kiss me like that I'll have no choice but to fall for you and open up to you."

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