Chapter one| "Red jar please"

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The Trials of Falling
Chapter 1
Red jar please


It was the first day back in this hell hole . My last year thank god, After this year I'd be sure to leave and never look back, not even if I was paid to.

The dimmed lights shined throughout the auditorium that was currently filled with all 854 students that attended this school . It is now the 50th anniversary of the fades and the school boards are investing more and more money into this ridiculous event. I wouldn't dare say that out loud that Would definitely get me a golden ticket into the fades. Air conditioner fanned through the big room to disguise all the students that had very horrid smell. Pictures of the once selected students from the past was hinged up on the walls.

Mrs. fidelee made her way across the stage as if it was a runway and she was a model. Trust me her looks was far from a model.

She adjust her microphone for her height and cleared her wind pipe. The room that was once filled with noice was now completely silence. I looked around me and saw that everybody was basically seated the same way every year . The rich on the top, poor in the back and the rest filled in the front . I of course was in the front, I wasn't rich but nor was my family poor . We had enough to get through life that's for sure and I think that's what most of the students were missing.

I look beside me and spotted a boy that looked about as young as a freshman, he could even pass as a younger kid . I couldn't help but feel bad for him, the kid has to endure four years of this cruelty before he gets to leave, and that's if he doesn't get selected.

This school gave me nothing more than anxiety and fear of the unknown. People say being selected into fades was worst then dying Because at least you get to sleep when you're dead , maybe it was just rumors but there's some truth to every rumor being spread.

"Welcome to the new school year ladies and gentlemen, seniors welcome back and freshmans welcome" she looks around with her wickedly fake nice smile . I know better then to think she's nice behind that smile holds a stock full of evilness. Good luck freshmans I thought gulping when her big plunging eyes landed on me.

"I am excited to be your headmaster for another year and am looking forward to getting to know the upcoming freshmans this year. I am happy to say that you guys are finally eligible to enter the fades . I have seen many of fimiliar faces that have grown from junior high school now to high school. I will explain the process of fades to you all shortly". We stayed in complete silence as her heels clicked on the hard wood floors . She chirpily walks up to her assistant and collected a list of papers in a folder and a red jar with all 854 students in this school. Arriving back she clears her throat and spoke agAin.

"Fades was all started in a school board meeting by the very people of our school boards Mr. chiton and Mr juiliep exactly 50 years ago. Fades was created because the population of our school become very populated with too many students . More and more students was arriving and we started having less and less space." That sounds so ridiculous but that was the facts and the worst is we couldn't escape the fades because once you go to this school you are there for life or it's jail time . Other schools was about 2 hours away and most parents didn't have the money to sent their kids to private schools that cost over thousands of dollars . West fade high school was a free of charge school . 75% of the students that attends this school are poor so the people in charge are able to uphold the annual "Holiday" as they put it for this long.

"It's misfortunate to see some of my best students selected to fades but we all must have hopeful minds and pray, pray for our fellow peers that were never again discovered again. There are 5 sections of fade . The school handbook talks more in depth about the different fades.

"If you remember Last year a boy by the name garret harris was selected into fades . It came to my attention that he was lost in fade 3" oh what a shocker I thought

"As you all know Fade 5 is the hardest fade to escape because by then you  already have no identity, so he most likely wouldn't have made it far . Long ago I watched my friends and friends of friends get selected into fades and it only made me stronger . And now here we are"

"Well I won't stall for very long, please rise " everyone got up from their seat including me. I don't know about the other students but my nervousness was at it's peak. It was so quiet that we could have heard pins falling on the floor. She reached into the red jar and pulled out a piece of paper with a name on it . With a gentle flick of her wrist she unfolded the paper.

"Diana Mitchell " she uttered from her lips.

And in a single heart beat the boy that was standing next to me fell down to the ground and the commotion starts. Screams ignite through the audience . Mrs fidelee connected with security through her ear piece and asked the audience of students to settle down and all would be taken of . Security came and soon after  so did medics. As I was moved me out They slowly pulled the boy from the ground and into a stretcher and pulled him out.

Once the room was back to being quiet she spoked up again. "it seemed that I made a mistake Diana Mitchell was One of our already graduated peers" she smiled and slowly descended her hand back into the jar. Her eyes meat mine again and for a quick second I saw hope in her eyes . She pulled the paper out and read it out loud.

"Marina Cordova  " the big room now felt small . Those who knew me stared aimlessly at me . My body felt like a fire bursting out flames, a heater, a toaster anything that ignites heat. I am now burning . Burning of fear . I body was becoming clammy and sweaty. My anxiety starts to pile up again and it was so hard to breath. I wanted to inhale but there was no longer air in this room. The students started to clap and hoot. Every clap seems to be a trigger , the claps felt like someone took a big hammer and started bounding me on the head with it . I couldn't take it anymore my life was over . I have been selected into fades.

A second later I too fell on the ground and everything else went blank .

Hope you guys like the first chapter !!
There's plenty more to come :)

Please leave feedbacks, I live for those . Xoxo
" wiinter"

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