Notes and Disclaimers

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Note: So I decided many moons ago in my first class discussion and replies book that I was not going to put the discussion posts of those that I replied to simply because I did not want to deal with copyright and if they happen to come across this I did not want their privacy to be invaded. So deal with just my replies and how they will not completely make sense. (:

*Disclaimer: The bolded words are not and have never been mine. The bolded words are the Discussions my professor worked very hard on and are used for an educational purpose and are for my personal use. All Discussion prompt rights go to professor Dr. Tracey Sherard. 

Also a disclaimer will be in the beginning of every replies post.

Volume one --1865-1914--

[Discussion one through six]

Volume two -- 1914-1945--

[Discussion seven through eleven]

Volume three --1945 + after--

[Discussion twelve through sixteen]

All the Love, ♥

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