Days in Space

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This is my first day in Space Adventure middle school in SPACE, yes you're right, SPACE.

My parents was passed away long time ago so I should to improve my performance , and this is my own Journey, and I'm very excited to living in Space.

16 August

First lesson, That I should to choose my personal guard, there are available a baby dragons or a baby phoenix

I choose baby dragons, Because i really love dragon, and although it's really cute!

After that we sorted into our classes, I got into the Supernova class with Albert and John Macro, Michael Miner, and Bobby Fixer.

And my chairmate is exactly John Macro 'the technopath. My teacher Mrs. Stela tell us to introduce yourself, and the first who choosen is me, so i just go to the front of class and said "Hello! my name is Satinav Eaden, and you can call me Satin ,I'm from earth, My parents was passed away long time ago, and i do telecinesist and also teleportation, thanks".

17 August

Yesterday, I was introduced to my room. Actually our rooms is based on our classes, but that's not a bad thing at all, b'cuz my roommates are incredibly clever.

And today when I woke up, I went to the toilet, take a shower, and ready for the day. When I walked through the hallway to my classroom, I saw the pretty girl named Charlene Abstraxx, she was so cute, and happily she wanted go out for lunch later with me. I am really happy. Either I'm famous at the school because of my cleverness .

When I went to the cafeteria she was sitting on the chair with some of her friends. Then she called me "Hey, Satin!" While she moved into our table.

She said she liked the way I'm studying and wanted to study with me. I CAN'T believe this, this is incredible, and I agreed with her.

Then I realized that everyone is gonna be jealous, because she's the most beautiful girl at school. So I told her not to say anything to other kids.

Today I've got stars lesson from Mrs. Stela, but there's no homework at all. So in the afternoon I'm just playing with my friends in the "Play Ground", which sounds like a place for toddlers, but it isn't, it's packed with tons of exciting games with a huge space to playing it.

18 August

So this is weird, I didn't give my baby dragon a NAME, yes since 2 days ago. So today I'm giving it's name, because it's a male, so his name is Bobby.

Today was great, me and Bobby were learning how to defend ourselves together. His special ability is beside he can spout fire blaze from his mouth, he can also spout ice bursts from his mouth, and has claw that can shock people with little bit of zap.

19 August

Weekend in space is kinda fun. In the morning we can take some rest during the free time.

Today was fun, because it was the time for us to get our vehicles. I got my own superspeed Spaceship called "Fox 1". It's one of the fastest Spaceship for us. That's the reason I choose that thing, it's just like supercars.

I was in race in my class, and surprisingly I won. I've played simulator for about a million times so I get used to it. They gave me through and special race upgrade and decals for my ride.

For Bobby, today was also fun for a short time. All of our pet were placed inside the pets playground today, he was excited to know other pets. But then he fell asleep till I picked him. Luckily he didn't being bad or if he did, I will be so embarrassed to other kids.

Charlene Abstraxx was sick. So I went to her room and luckily she was OK. I felt sorry for her. So I brought her some fruits and flowers. Other boys seemed to be jealous, they think I was too romantic at Charlene. But I wasn't, I was just giving her some fruits and that's it. Charlene's reaction wasn't helping me out she was too happy because of that, but I was just glad she was ok.

The Journey of SatinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang