Alice's Train

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Alice's Train

Chapter 1 

The key. Rusted and old. Swinging carelessly on the chain. The tick of the clock. The grandfather clock. Combining it felt like a hypnotism to Alice. Feeling the force of power, Alice could hear his voice. Deep in her dreams she could hear him. 

"Come now Alice, it's only a dream" Doctor Bumby reassured. 

"It's not a dream, it's a... memory. And it makes me sick!" Alice Replied. 

Alice's memory fell back to her and the Hatter sat at a table. Only to be soon interrupted. 

"Now focus... wait, you're floating again... weightless... a cipher... relax" 

A battle was raging in Alice's mind. She could see them battle. Swords crashing together and blood spilling over like a boiling pot. 

"Fire! I'm in hell" Alice cried. 

She could see the queens throne watching over the battle, as if she was enjoying watching the pain and suffering of her own and her oppressors. 

"Forget it... Abandon that memory, it's unproductive! Go... to Wonderland" Urged Bumby. 

"I can't. I'm trapped... in my past" 

Alice had visions of her poor sister Lizzie. Oh Lizzie. Stood so small in her nightdress, as the fires raged around her. Towering. She could see the house. Her family inside. Silhouetted on the doorway, as if haunting her. Alice felt herself fly past the house into the surrounding woods. She blamed the fires on the centaurs she saw. Centaurs in Oxford. 

"No Alice. Discard that illusion! Go to Wonderland" Bumby forcefully cried. 

Suddenly a river began to rise, and trees, a most beautiful shade of green. Such was the grass. The shapes of all objects around were seemingly impossible, and the sky was tainted blue. She could see herself with Rabbit. 

"I'd rather not doctor. My wonderland is shattered. It's dead to me!" Alice Proclaimed. 

"You're preference doesn't signify girl. Now tell me. Where are you?" 

"I'm sailing. With a friend. But things seem different. Things have changed" Alice said, startled. 

She could see herself having a picnic. Rabbit is sat with a cup in his hand, staring icily at her. He begins to shake. He shivers. His eyes begin to stir and swell.  

"What ever is the matter?" Alice asks. "Are you mad?" 

"I'm not mad" Bumby answers in confusion. 


Rabbit's jaw twisted. A most awful splintering noise rang through Alice's ears. Blood ran from his mouth, and his ears, and his eyes. Running down, the red blood. His left eye burst. Alice recoiled in fear, but could not run. 

"Is something wrong?" Alice asked. 

"Something wrong" Rabbit replied "Rather!" he shouted! 

His head split open and blood rained down onto Alice. The river became tainted and dark with the fearful red, and then slowly black. From the rivers, doll hands began to reach, and their heads were fused to the slowly cracking trees. The beautiful green went burnt.  

"Pollution. Corruption. My Wonderland is killing me! Please... Please... What's happening!" 

Alice saw the doll hands reaching for her face, pulling the skin away, revealing nothing but muscle as Alice let out a most hellacious scream. And awoke with relief.

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