Tag #3

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To my friend who has been tagged for god knows how many times. *cough* Twice. Anyhow, I've been tagged by this lovely creature, luciferstempest .

A question for you... Did you tag me, because I poked with you a stick yesterday?

1) Dear Ex
How've you been?

2) Dear Self
What happened to you?

3) Dear Mom
Thanks for being there for me when times become tough.

4) Dear Dad
Stop poking meh!!!!

5) Dear Crush
Senpai... *looks around* I swear someone's judging me silently for this.

6) Dear School
One simple question: Why?

7) Dear Siblings
I don't know how long I've put up with all your shenanigans, yet you all never fail to make me smile.

8) Dear Past Me
You do not want know how many phases, I went through to become my current self today.

9) Dear First Love
What happened to us? We used to be teased as High School Buddies than Sweethearts and now look at us today. Still avoiding one another, I missed having you as my partner-n-crime. We definitely ruled the world together. I miss the good 'ol times.

10) Dear Future Me
Tell me about your life. Still the Beauty and Brawn? xD

11) Dear BestFriend
Forever has my back (literally) is kiwikiki16

12) Dear Future Child
Please don't question about where your name came from, I was.. well still am in the weeaboo phase, I mean for this time that is. I'll explain to you what that means in our future. For now, take care of yourself and my future self. Whether your only a babe, toddler, teen, or adult.

13) Dear Person, I Hate
Should I... no. How long have you hated me? Scratch that. What is it that you don't like about? No that's not it. You know what just keep on hating, I don't care what you do to me but as long as you don't do anything to anyone else than we're good. Trust me on this for just once... Do not mess with me, I repeat you do not want to mess with this small girl.

14) Dear Person, I Love
I don't know how long you can put up with me, but I'm grateful that your with me.

15) Dear Ex BestFriend
~Read Dear Ex~ I miss you.

16) Dear Person Who Hates Me
~Read Dear Person, I Hate~

Time to tag~
Knowing by heart that those two lovelies won't do it. I still like to bother them anyways since they're my family. Hmm... oh!

I know that some of you don't like tags, but hey can you at least do one for me? It's the least you can do. And no, Lucifer. No need to do this again. 😂

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