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One day I was in the car talking to my mom & sister I was telling her how I wish I could've been born in the 90s era she said "why?" I said "because it looked like it was so much fun .. I would've got to meet Tupac , Biggie , Aaliyah , lil Kim , Michael Jackson , left eye and others" then she said "Well yea .. you could've " Then thoughts started coming in my head , What if I made a time machine ?! Then I traveled back in time but then the time machine broke and I got stuck there FOREVER .. I thought to myself , after all that happened we went to the store and in the store I was thinking how everyone used to have certain nicknames , For myself I made up "Stick n bones " lol :) Because of how skinny I was & my mom said " WHAT ? I wouldn't want no one calling me that. " then I thought of the name my cousin gave me on my 10th birthday which was "Sorasizzles" because of how much I LOVEEE bacon !! So I took the " sora " out the front and used Sizzles . After awhile we went home and I walked in the kitchen and asked my dad "Do you know how to make a time machine?" He starred at me in a confused way as he said "Um no .. no
I don't." Then as I was eating dinner curiosity started getting the best of me ...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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