Will Who?

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We walked inside with our hands laced together, we looked around for the table, we found it, it was over in the corner of the place. Me and Taylor walked over but everyone was too busy to even notice until some skinny blonde girl came over with her boobs literally hanging out,

"Oh my gosh, Taylor baby... its been such a long time" she said as she threw her hands around his neck pushing me aside.

"Excuse me, but 'Taylor baby' has moved on now if you wouldn't mind taking your hands off my man, that would be deeply appreciated" I said in a fake voice

"Your man, hunny you don't really expect me to buy that do you? I mean there is no way his standards would drop from me to well you" she said in a disgusted voice

I gave up, I couldn't be bothered arguing so I turned towards the table and everyone was starring at me...

"What?" I asked confused

"Uh what are you doing turn around and slap that bitch if you must" Danielle said making me gasp that she even knew such a word but I listened to her

"Okay Barbie I will give you 5 seconds to walk away, and if you don't walk away, you will be getting rolled away on a stretcher" I said as I removed her hand from Taylors neck.

"5...4...3..." I began counting down

"Taylor do something" she said as she went closer to him again, he took a step back which warmed my heart knowing he wouldn't do anything with her.

"Okay... 2.....1, she's all yours babe" he smirked as he went towards the table and sat down. I stood in front of her and gave her a warning look, she turned and flicked her hair in my face so I decided id grab a hold of it and pull her back towards me, I whispered in her ear

"His standards may have dropped, but at least my knickers haven't" with that I released her hair and let her walk away. I turned back towards table once again only to find everyone smiling at me

"Why are you all smiling like that?"

"Is there anything you and Taylor want to tell us?" Ryan asked raising his eyebrow at us,

I sat down at the table next to him and looked at him smiled and replied

"Nothing you don't already know"

The dinner finished quickly and when we were walking out someone slapped my arse,

"What the fuck do you think your doing!" I shouted in the guys face, all of Taylors family turned around to see what was happening.

"Nice to see you again princess, but if I knew the first time we met that your body was that good I would have done more than kissed you" he growled

Taylor stood in front of me followed by Ryan and Adam while Shannon pulled me back so I was closer to them.

"What did I tell you about touching my girl!" Taylor yelled at him

"Well you didn't tell me that I would enjoy it so much, honestly I need a cold shower, unless the chick is willing to sort me out" he said as he pointed to me, Taylor was about to hit him but the manager told them that if they were going to fight do it outside, lets say Taylor didn't have a problem with that he dragged the guy outside and hit him in the face causing him to stumble backwards slightly.

"Ryan, do something!" Danielle shouted at her husband

Ryan stepped forward and grabbed a hold of the guys collar,

"You leave the girl out of it! this is between you and me, now I suggest you do something helpful and walk away" whilst Ryan was talking someone threw a hand over my mouth and pulled me backwards to a car, they threw me in and drove off before any of them had noticed.

Taylors point of view

Will walked away and left me stood there fuming but I knew I had Mollie to cheer me up, I turned around to give her a hug...

"Where's Mollie?" I asked

"Taylor are you blind she is stood right-" my mum said but stopped when she looked at where Mollie was stood and realised she was no longer there.

"Are you fucking joking me" I shouted

A car drove slowly past and wound the wind down, to reveal, Will in a car with Aiden...

"What have you done with her!" I shouted as I curled my fists up becoming more angry, and then my heart broke, I heard that one awful sound, Mollie was crying out in pain.

"You sick bastard what have you done to her?" I screamed out, he began to open the back window to reveal Mollie, she was being kissed by a guy, I didn't recognise the guy but I know she was scared. I ran towards the car but as I did he slammed his foot down and began to drive away... only he wasn't concentrating...

"NOOOO!" I screamed as another car went straight into the side of his car.

We all ran over to the car but it was a wreck, I opened the door to where Mollie was sat, she had blood all over her head and her eyes were shut, she looked like she was sleeping but I knew she wasn't, she had tears dried up on her cheeks and the guy who was kissing her had his fingers in her! I didn't move her because I didn't want to hurt her, after about 5 minutes of waiting police and a few ambulances turned up. The police looked over the scene and once they saw Mollie in the back with that sick bastard they dragged him off her and hurled him into the back off a cop car along with Will and Aiden.

The paramedics gently put Mollie on a stretcher and into the ambulance I went in with her and the rest of the family said they would meet us at the hospital.

"Please be okay Moll, I love you and I need you!" I cried as we drove to the hospital at full speed.

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