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Soooooooooooo.... I was tagged. And... Ya. Thanks fluttershyiskiller

1. My catchphrase is "It could be/could have been worse"

2. I am in many different fandoms

3. My favorite number is -8

4. I can sew

5. I will forever be single

6. I randomly text my friends in the middle of the night because I'm bored

7. I stay up late for... Reasons

8. I love who I am even though others don't

9. I don't understand why people want to know about me

10. I don't know why people tag me in these things

11. I start school tommorow

12. I don't like thinking about the past

13. I will never like school

There, now I will tag:

1. Koodles17

2. Olympus_Pride


4. Ryan_slytherin

5. randomwhoviwhowrites

6. Rosewink21

7. Art_Is_Valuable

8. xxJamiltonTrashxx

9. phanci

10. RubixCube89201

11. averya7x

12. doottheshibe

13. FubukiSnow


15. MurderYouWithFeels

And I think that's everything. Oh, and by the way. I dont really have a system to detefmine who I tag, I just kinda randomly press on people and hope for the best😂 just thought you'd wanna know. I dont know why. Just, thought if tell you. Ok. I'm gonna go... Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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