The Pines

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I sat in a tree, one leg dangling off of the branch I was sitting on, looking through the photos I had taken on my camera. I had gotten pictures of butterflies, rabbits, gnomes, manotaurs...

I live in a town called Gravity Falls where creatures like this aren't unusual. I don't exactly live in the town, more the forest that surrounds it. My parents thought it'd be nice to sort of have our own space, and they decided on it being in the forest.

My father was a hunter. He hunted deer, rabbits, bear, etc. My mom was a researcher, researching all the different creatures and things in Gravity Falls. She worked with the government to hide the secrets of this town, even from the town itself. My sister had a job working as an assistant for some paranormal investigator.

Notice the past tense?

I'm not sure what happened to my parents, all I know is that one day they didn't return. It was all over the news about the famous researcher's 'death'. Then there's my sister, I remember getting word from her boss' brother that they both got sucked into a portal.

I can't count how many years it's been since my sister vanished. It's been about 3 years since my parents vanished. Now, I was 17. I had been living on my own for 3 years. I had plenty of money, the millions my mom and dad had earned doing their jobs. They were very good at saving up, only used what they needed when they needed it. My sister also had money saved up and since she wasn't returning I thought it wouldn't hurt to use it to continue living.

"Dip what are we looking for?" A female voice asks excitedly.

"Anything, something new, different" A male voice answers.

I look through the camera lens and snap a picture of the two figures walking closer to me. They were far enough away that I couldn't see any details but my camera could zoom up on them.

The girl had hip long brown hair with a pink headband. She had brown eyes that matched the boy's. The boy had short brown hair. They looked like twins and seemed to be my age.

The boy was looking through a journal while the girl was skipping merrily. When the boy closed the book I gasped seeing what was on the cover, a handprint with six fingers. I remembered seeing my sister reading it once but this one looked newer, cleaner. I climb down to a lower branch then jump off of it, landing gracefully in front of them.

I loved being able to see everything below me so I began climbing trees and became very good at anything involving physical activity, like jumping down from big heights. Living in the forest doesn't give you much to do in your free time.

They both jump back and stare at me wide eyed, clearly shocked to find a cloaked figure landing in front of them. The boy looked like he was about to punch me.

"Where'd you get that book?" I demand.

"I don't need to tell you" he says, extending an arm in front of the girl as if to protect her.

I take a step closer to him. "I think you do. Now answer my question" I hiss.

"Our grunkle Ford gave it to us" the girl says frightened.

"Stanford?" I mumble. "What's a grunkle?" I ask her.

"Great uncle" she answers.

I start walking back to my house but the boy shouts out. "Who are you?"

"You'll figure that out later" I answer, not turning around to look at them.

Once I get inside my house I run around, picking up things I would need and stuffing them in a bag. My phone, money, the first version of my mother's research books and my camera. I take off my cloak and put on a green sweater. I zip it up and slip the bag on my back, sprinting towards town.

I walk through town with my hood up, it kept people from staring at me. It may have happened three years ago but there was also mention of me supposedly being dead as well in the newspaper. I chose not to say anything about the mistake, thinking it was better if people thought I didn't exist anymore. I follow the signs that lead towards the mystery shack and find it, looking as rustic as it always had.

"We're not open right now" a gruff voice says when I walk in, a bell ringing from above the door to announce my presence.

"You should really learn to lock your door" I say.

The man turns to me, looking shocked. I remembered him as the twin brother of the paranormal investigator, I think his name was Stanley. I had met him a couple times, before all the events with my sister.

"I'm seeing things aren't I? Are you a ghost?"

"I'm real, not a ghost"

"Stay here" he tells me, going through a door that says employees only.

I look around at all the junk they sold. There were some snow globes with mini mystery shack's inside. I look at the hats they had on a rack, picking up a black one and putting it on my head, inspecting myself in a mirror.

"Hey! You can't be in here" someone says from behind me.

I turn around and find the boy with a broom in his hand, he looked like he was going to use it as a weapon of some sorts. He drops the broom with red cheeks and I remove the hat from my head, putting it back on the rack.

"Are you sure it's her?" Another gruff voice asks from behind the door.

The door opens and the boy steps out of the way, letting Stanley and Stanford walk into the room. Stanford's eyes widen when he sees me.


"Live and in person"

Through the Camera Lens (Dipper x OC)Where stories live. Discover now