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4 hours left

I was stuck in a cage for at least 6 hours, meaning 7 hours had passed since I came through the portal. I was starting to get anxious, wether or not I would return or if the twins would do what I would want them to do and leave me here if time was up.

I was laying on the ground, staring at the ceiling of my cage, just thinking over every possible thing that could be what I needed to find.

"How did you even know where to find me?" I ask, knowing Vlad was probably standing somewhere in the shadows.

"There was some energy fluctuations in the Fenton household" his voice answered from the shadows.

"But why me?"

"Well they knew it couldn't have been one of those three brats that save the day"

"They said we found her, meaning you were targeting me. How and why?"

He stepped out of the shadows, coming up to the cage. "The last time there was an energy fluctuation like this one a married couple came through the portal. I met them, the woman had the same eyes as you. I thought it was her coming back to steal some of my research, but it was you"

"She stole some of your research? Why would she do that?"

"Well she didn't really steal anything, and I don't think she was going to either, but I thought she was coming back to get me arrested"

"Ah, that sounds like something she'd do"

He went back into the shadows and the room fell silent again. Something had fallen out of his pocket just beside the cage. I managed to squeeze my arm through the laser bars and pick it up. It was a picture, of my mom and dad, both holding a yellow book with a brick like design and one eye on it. It reminded me of the floating triangle from home.

"Why would he have this?" I mumble. "Maybe he's looking for it to, maybe Bill is here and has someone working for him already"

After a while I could hear some shouting and gunshots from outside the room. The door burst open and I jumped up, on my feet, ready to fight.

A boy about the same size and shape as Danny came in in a black jumpsuit with white boots, collar, belt and forearm gloves. But it couldn't have been Danny because he had white hair and glowing green eyes. And he was floating above the ground, like a ghost.

"The ghost boy, I guess that's who you are"

"Danny Phantom" he says. His voice sounded exactly like Danny's.

"So, you here to save me?"


He flipped a switch and the lasers vanished, then he picked me up and flew out through an open window. I clung to him, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck, but I watched as we flew over the town.

"Whoa, you see this all the time?"

"It's not as fun when I'm mostly flying away from ghosts"

"That makes sense. But what doesn't make sense is how you somehow transform into a ghost, how is that possible?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Danny Phantom, same first name, same look, same voice, I know it's you Danny"

"You can't tell anyone"

I chuckle. "Who am I going to tell? Mabel and Dipper? This information isn't something relevant in my world, and there's nobody I would tell in this world anyway"

He sighs in relief. "Well that portal you came through, there was an accident with it and I sort of changed into a halfa, half human half ghost"

"That's some weird logic"

"That's what happened" he said with a small shrug.

He flew us in through his broken window and placed me down on the floor. As soon as my feet hit the ground Mabel rushed over and squeezed the life out of me, then Dipper came over and hugged me when she let go.

"I thought you were going to be dead!" Mabel exclaimed.

"I thought you wouldn't make it back in time to return home" Dipper said, letting go of me.

"I'm here, and I got some information. We need to find a book" I take out the picture and show them the book my parents held. "That's what we need to find"

"We can split up, check the libraries" Sam suggests.

"I'll go with Emerald" Tucker says.

I shake my head. "No, Danny's gotta fly me somewhere. Dipper with Tucker and Sam with Mabel, come back when there's half an hour left"

"Where do you need to go?" Danny asks.

"Back to where you saved me from"


"I need to ask Vlad some questions, and it may help to check his library. He had this picture on him"

He did as I asked him to and flew me back to the castle. Vlad was sitting in his study, no idea we were there.

"Why did you have this picture?" I ask, showing him the picture.

His head snapped up but he didn't look scared. "Uh..."


"Answer her" Danny tells him angrily.

"Your parents gave me that picture, mainly focusing on the book in it, and told me to keep an eye out for you"

"Then why did you kidnap me?"

He looks down at his papers. "I wanted the book, I thought you might've had it"

"Of course" Danny said.

"Look around, see if the book is anywhere in here" I tell him.

We started searching high and low, but there was no sign of the yellow book.

"If I did have the book it wouldn't be in here" Vlad said.

"We should be heading back now"

We flew back to his house and he transformed from a ghost into his human self, then we walked inside and plopped down on the couch, waiting for the others.

Through the Camera Lens (Dipper x OC)Where stories live. Discover now