Do you remember him?

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It was a rainy day in Berlin, which was good for Ana, who liked to read on rainy days, with her favorite book, Edgar Allan Poe's The Crow, lying on her bed with white sheets and smoking a marijuana cigarette , She begins to hear footsteps, until Evelyn Aigner opens the door, was her tutor

  - Heilige Scheiße, bist du wieder Marihuana? -  (Fucking shit, are you smoking marijuana again?) - Evelyn says covering her nose

- I like smoking - Ana says, closing her book.

  - Aber es sollte nicht, das ist eine gefährliche Droge -  (But it should not, this is a dangerous drug)

- Marijuana is not a drug, it's just a plant

  - Fuck, ich bin gerade gekommen, um dir zu sagen, dass deine Freunde hier sind. (Fuck, I just came to tell you that your friends are here)

 - Which one?

  - Die Amerikaner, die mit dir gehen  (Those Americans who walk with you) - Evelyn says closing the door

Ana erases her based on the ashtray, gets out of bed, wears a sweatshirt, because it sure was cold, leaves her room and meets Igor, John and James sitting on the couch moving the cell phone

- I did not expect to meet you here at this hour.

- Why not? Did you forget to go to the show of our old friend Diogo Taylor? - João speaks throwing his guitar pick at Ana, who deflects

- Fuck, I really forgot.

- But let's face it we're late - Igor says, standing up from the couch.

- Do not be exaggerated, it may not be that long either.

- The worst is that it really takes time

- So let's go

The boys get up and they leave the apartment, after descending the stairs until they leave the building and arrive outside, Ana looks up and sees all that gray sky, they put the hoods of their sweats and walk to the subway station , Which for their luck was not too far away, began to run between the umbrellas that were open until finally arrived at the train station, sit on the benches that were there, Igor takes from his pocket 4 tablets of LSD and delivery One for each, they take without anyone realizing

The subway arrives, the gray doors open and they go in and look for places, where they end up sitting by the window, Igor and Tiago facing João and Ana, during the whole trip they did not say anything, they just watched their psychedelias

As soon as they arrive in the city of Frankfurt, they descend and begin to walk directly to the famous bar Punkanova, where artists presented themselves

As they enter they sit down to the table that was facing the stage, a waitress came to answer them and asked what they wanted, asked for a glass of pure vodka

  - Meine Damen und Herren, wir hatten unsere Leistung in Tribut an Sängerin Nina Simons, jetzt sehen sie eine andere Präsentation von My Way von Diogo Taylor gesungen (Ladies and Gentlemen, we had our performance in tribute to singer Nina Simons, now they will see a different presentation of My Way sung by Diogo Taylor) 

Everyone starts clapping and then Diogo comes on the stage, he was a punk boy, he picks up the microphone and it looks like he would sing a normal version of My Way, but when the chords come in, it becomes a punk song

As soon as his show ends, everyone starts to applaud him, Ana gets up and starts clapping his feet, Tiago pokes João

- She seems to like it.

As soon as Diogo leaves the stage, the boys go after him, enter a room that seemed to be his dressing room, he was snorting cocaine on top of a dresser, so he looks back and finds them

- My friends! Glad you did not forget me! - He speaks standing up and hugging them all

- We'll never forget you - Tiago slaps his back, both were best friends.

- How was your stay in England? - Igor asks curiously

- It was good to meet my mother, but it is best to be where the friends are, so I think we should go out to celebrate. Come with me

They go out of the bar, it has stopped raining, they walk to a black car, Igor, John and James sit in the backseat. Ana sits next to Diogo and Diogo sits in the driver's seat, it was going to be a crazy night

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