Chapter 4- Unspoken Words

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Song: Khai Dreams- Ultimately (this song is just niceeeee)

~Irene Blair~

I know how it's like to be put down by others. When they tell you that you can't join them in certain activities because of your rank, the way you look or just because they like seeing you unhappy. I know how it's like to cry yourself to sleep, the unwantedness makes you shiver in disgust wishing it was different. 

Then you see your shadows; they will tell you to build a wall around yourself, to hide behind your hair or your jumper. Your shadows will be above you, below you and inside you, controlling your movements and how you feel. They will tell you to stop caring about what other people say but they will constantly be in your mind telling you how to view yourself. My shadows protect me but they don't protect me from myself. 

They didn't protect me from Zachariah's wrath.  

When I found out that he was my soulmate, I was confused, happy and unhappy. My mind is powerful to control my movements and thoughts, but the mate bond can be stronger like now. 

The intense stare I broke seemed to shock my system. I fell inside his deep brown eyes, in a pool of darkness. He was hiding much more than I, and I am hesitant to find out what lies beneath his exterior. 

Zachariah is my soulmate. He is going to be my first and last in everything. He is going to know me inside and out just as I to him. I can't think of being with anyone else but him, the mate bond wasn't just a force anymore, it's us. We are attracted to each other, maybe me more than him but we know that there's no going back. 

He saved me yet I am scared of him.  

"Thank you," I carefully whispered as he picked me up from the ground angrily. He was breathing so hard that I thought his heart would fly out of him. I glanced at the dead rogues behind him feeling dread in my gut. 

My soulmate saved my life and that makes me appreciate him more but I can't stop thinking about the dead rogues. 

"We should- We should get- home," I stuttered out afraid of throwing up. I am afraid of what I saw- who I saw. I wouldn't stop shaking and he wouldn't stop tightening his hold on me. "Please, let's go I can't-" He locked his furious eyes on me and I froze. 

And to think we were kind of getting along before all of this shit. The little moment we shared wasted because of this stupid incident. 

I can't get over how quickly his emotions changed. After he dragged me out of Luna Liah's office we went on a walk in a nice clearing. We were both blushing because of how he held my hand. I loved the electric feeling between us but it was overwhelming, too many feelings at once. I noticed how he was walking too fast so I kind of pulled him back, gosh his smirk almost killed me but I controlled myself. 

I thought that it would be fun to push him a little and run away as a joke and I needed to cool off as I wasn't used to this type closeness. Zachariah liked the chase, I heard him laugh a little since I was really slow and he was letting me kind of win. 

"Bet you can't catch me, Alpha," I taunted looking back and there was a glimmer of mischief on his face. 

He, of course, caught me and we were breathless. "Gosh, that's not fair, you're too fast," He smirked and I knew exactly why. I never knew he's so perverted as he's almost saying 'that's what she said' I scoffed. "Not like that-" I pouted and tried to move him off of me. "Look!" I pointed behind him, he let go and I sped away again. This time it wasn't so friendly. 

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