Should of listened.

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Chapter Two

Zayn's POV

The next morning was was awkward and that's an understatement!

All of us boys sat around the kitchen eating breakfast in silence, Louis and Harry wouldn't talk to me because, I was interested in Tyler even after the incident with Harry and her. As well as Liam and Niall they were just shocked of last nights events.

"Alright lads I'm off, gotta get to work" Niall smiled trying to lighten the mood as he threw on his shoes waving goodbye, we all mumbled a good bye before the awkward silence started again.

"I'm going for a walk" I mumbled placing my cereal bowl in the sink and throwing on a Gray hoodie over my t-shirt and jeans, walking out the door.

Shivering, I walked down my street remembering the events of last night. I still haven't managed to get Tyler out of my head, something just pulls me to her and even though she's dangerous something about that intrigues me.

"E-excuse me sir, can you pl-ease help me" A little girl whimpered with tears running down her face, she looked around 8 or 9 and looked at me with so much sadness.

"Of course darling what's the matter?" I asked crouching down to her with worry.

"I've lost my sister!" She cried hugging me and crying some more.

What do I do?

"It's okay, shhhh calm down sweetie, we are going to find her when did you last see her?" I pulled back brushing some blonde hair out of her face.

"Over there" she pointed to the park sniffling. " I saw my friend and ran over to say hello and when I turned around she was gone!" She howled again clinging to me, slowly I picked her up and walked over to the park looking for her sister.

"What's your name sweetie?" I asked smiling.

"Grace" she answered smiling slightly.

"Nice to meet you Garce, I'm Zayn. And I'm going to help you find your sister, what does she look like sweetie?"

"Um like me but a big girl! She's got blonde hair and blue eyes she was wearing black" she answered looking frantically around for her.

I heard sniffling from behind me as I turned to see Tyler with tears rolling down her face. I took in a sharp breath as I noticed she had two swelling bruises on her face and a busted lip.

"Tyler!!!" The little girl jumped from my arms into Tyler's hugging her tightly. A giant smile washed over Tyler's face as she closed her eyes squeezing Garce tightly.

"Gracie!" Tyler mumbled sighing in happiness.

Watching Tyler I realised that this was the first time I had seen her smile, usually she has such a cold looking face and I really don't understand why she doesn't smile all the time, because wow she's beautiful!

The way her while faces lights up, the cute little dimple on the left side of her mouth and the tiny crinkles beside her eyes. Everything about her is so breathtaking.

"Zayn I found her!" Grave yelled pulling me out of my thoughts of her gorgeous sister. Smiling I nodded so happy at her excitement.

Tyler looked up at me her smile dropping slightly as she nodded, as her way of thanking me for finding Grace.

"Tyler can I go play for a little and then can we get ice cream?!" Garce yelled getting on her knees begging Tyler.

"Yes but don't run away again! What were you thinking?!" She yelled slightly trying to calm down her anger. Grace nodded smiling obviously used to her sisters harsh tone all the time, before she ran off to the slide.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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