She's back

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Raph: hey Casey what took you forever.
Casey: well you know had to meet Leo's boyfriend.
Raph: *sighs*
Casey: you ok Raph.
Raph: yeah I will be ok.
Casey: ok then Raph I got to get going April just texted me and said that Mikey is on a sugar rush.
Raph: hey I'll come with you Casey.
Casey: thanks Raph.
Later on the rooftops
Raph: I miss being on the rooftops.
Casey: yeah it's amazing at night now come on we better go before Mikey destroys the house.
Raph: ok
???: *sobbing*
Raph: hu what's that noise.
Casey: Raph come on.
Raph: I'll catch up with u in a minute Casey.
Casey: ok Raph be safe.
Raph: I will.
???: I am so stupid.
Raph: hello is anyone there.
???: wait Raph.
Raph: who are u and how do you know my name.
???: Raph it's me sunset.
Raph: sunset I thought I would never see you again.
Sunset: I thought so to.
Raph: look sunset I am so sorry for what I did back at the lair do you forgive me and would you go back out with me.
Sunset: Yes I would love to.
Raph: come on let's get neck home.
Sunset: ok Raph.
Later in the lair
Leo: have you seen Raph stinger.
Stinger: no babe I haven't why.
Leo: because he is not in his room
Stinger: maybe he went to go blow off some steam.
Leo: yeah maybe your right.
Stinger: oh look there he is.
Leo: Raph *hugs raph* are u ok.
Raph: yeah I am fine fearless.
Leo: ok you had me and stinger worried sick.
Raph: well I did leave with Casey and I found someone and I don't care what you say she is staying here.
Leo: what are u talking about.
Sunset: oh he is talking about me.
Leo: your brought her back here.
Raph: yes and she is staying here.
Stinger: ok what is going on here.
Leo: well as you can see Raph brought his ex here and yeah so how about we just go and train stinger.
Sunset: hold on a second who are u.
Stinger: the name is stinger.
Sunset: well ok then *whispers hotty*
Leo: what was that sunset.
Sunset: none of your business.
Stinger: come on Leo let's just go train.
Leo: ok stinger.

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