The Story of Us

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The story of us

is so simple

yet so complex

it began with one day

with a silly little crush

you caused me to feel

made my heart flutter

you caused me to wonder

and question everything

yet my emotions only grew


every time you were around

so up and yet so down

I was caught up in the storm

until one day

I finally tried

to stop it

all I ever wanted

was you

Little did I know

that at one point

you liked me too

our story picks up one day

that fateful day

at the invitational

I won't be able

to forget how

you made me feel

especially when you

picked me up

my emotions were

all over the place

my feelings for you

were never really gone

not at all

and your touch

ignited the fire again

when you confessed

your feelings for me

I could not believe

a single word

I was torn inside

until I made

my final choice

and let you

have all of me

Ever since then

I have been wondering

and questioning

why me

yet you were

and you are

the best thing

that has ever happened

to me

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