My Bestfriends Brother

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The light bursted into my room. Rolling over, covering my face with a pillow to hide my face from the bright sun, I let out a small groan not wanting to get up. Mondays were always the worst. I hated having to get out of bed so early just to be tourted by teachers, constantly telling me that the thing we have been learning are going to useful some day. I finally climbed out of bed, and drug myself into the bathroom to shower. Thirty minutes until my bus came. I picked out the perfect outfit, white shorts, with a cute off the shoulder floral top, with yellow converse to finish it off. I quickly straightened my hair, and applied some eye liner, and mascara. I grabbed my back pack and rushed downstairs with only 5 minutes to grab breakfast. Everyone was gone to work. Grabbing an apple, I quickly pulled on my converse and rushed outside. I pulled out my phone and texted my best friend Beth, " b there in 5" She replied with a quick. "ok , hurry!" I raced down my driveway, and ran to the bus stop just in time with minutes to spare before the bus game.

"EEK" . The loud shriek was coming from Beth.

"OMG, Kat, I L-O-V-E, your outfit , with a capital L". I smiled at Beth.

"Thank you." I said, with a quick smirk. But what Beth didn't know was, I always dressed up to impress a certain someone. Someone , I like to call, My best friends brother. Me and Beth had been best friends since grade 3 , we were inseparable, and still are. I've always came so close to telling Beth that I'm head over heels for her brother, But something always stopped me. I was always afraid Beth would get the wrong idea and think I was always just using her to get to her brother. Maybe even get mad, because I was crazy for her brother, maybe she wouldn't care and try to set us up. Not knowing how Beth would react , I kept my lips sealed.

"So I heard brad was having a party this weekend, ! We should deffs go. Go get our nails done,go shopping , find us some hot dates" Beth said winking with a smirk on her face.

"Sounds fun !" "I cant wait, ! " she said winking "who's gonna be the lucky guy that gets to be my hot best friend Kat's date?"

"Uhm, I think i'll fly solo" I said biting my lip

"WHAT!" she said at the top of her lungs. Which made the bus driver look in his mirror, he shot Beth a dirty look, and continued driving. Me and Beth giggled.

"Back to the chase, " Beth continued " Who do you have in mind?" she said wriggling her eye brows

"Beth i'm serious ! No one !" I said getting nervous

"OK OK ! fine, ill choose for you"

"Come on why can't I just go alone?" I said getting a little annoyed. Beth has always been so stubborn, but it made me love her even more.

"Your going with someone" Beth said letting out a frustrated sigh. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Guys this is my very first story, so i hope you like it , update tomorrow ! :) Message me please, and tell me if i should keep going or if you have any ideas, i need help with character names , message me for more details! thanks so much

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