chapter 8

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I run to Chris as quick as I can. His poor face. Chris's face is badly bruised and his lip lower lip is bleeding. 

"Chris?" I start to panic. He is unconscious. I look around and a bunch of people are hovering over me. 

"Is he okay? Oh my god!" Eva runs toward me.

"Someone get the school nurse!" A random guy yells out.

I turn around and I don't see Espen anywhere. He must of ran off.  What a jerk.



It's Monday and I haven't heard back from Chris for almost a week. I left him text messages saying if he's okay and if everything is alright, but he didn't reply back. Espen got suspended from school for only 2 weeks, which is good, but isn't enough.

As I'm making my way to school, I see a car pull up beside me. I realize it's Chris's car. 

"Chris?" I whisper.

"Get in, Holsen." He opens the car door.

Without hesitation, I get in. His car is so warm. I look over at Chris, he doesn't say anything or even look at me, he just drives. His face is still bruised, but it's starting to look better. 

"So, where were you?" I break the silence.

"Home." He has no emotion on his face.

"Why were you home this whole week? Were you suspended?" I ask him. 

"What?" Chris wasn't even listening. 

"Are you even listening?" I wave my hands at his face.

"Stop I can't see the road when you do that." I've never seen Chris like this. This isn't him. He looks broken. Was it the fight? Is it me? 

I roll my eyes and pretend to ignore his words. 

"You know you could've at least told me where you were! Everyone, including your friends, asked me where you were because you know, you are my fake boyfriend and I didn't know what to say! I literally almost said you went off to Cuba!" I burst out. I thought the last sentence would make him laugh a bit, but it didn't. 

"Sorry it's just, I can't fucking stand my dad anymore!" He raises his voice.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I bite my lip. 

Chris turns and parks at the school.

"No! My fucked up dad thinks it's all my fault that I got beat up! Yes, it is kinda my fault, but Espen is the one who fucking hit me! God! My father doesn't even feel sorry for me. He only cares about his stupid career and shit. He thought it would be a good idea for me to stay home and reflect on my actions. He even cheated on my mom. Yeah, he fucking had an affair! That asshole! I can't even look at him." Chris hits the steering wheel. Hard. 

I freeze. I can't believe that I didn't know that Chris is having a hard time at home. Well, how would I know anyways? We aren't best friends. We aren't even legit dating. Sometimes, I wish he could tell me this stuff earlier, so I could help him. I don't say anything, I wrap my hands around him and he hugs me back.

"It will be okay." I whisper.

He doesn't say anything, but I could feel him nod.


After a long class of gym, the bell finally rings. I couldn't wait to go home. Mrs. Berg came back to school and she thought it was a good idea to make the whole class run 5 laps around the school field. It was exhausting. 

in love // chris schistad (SKAM)Where stories live. Discover now