Same Dreams

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So I have this reacurring dream. I'm standing in the middle of a dark room, and lights in the shape of a tadpol start to appear. There are so many different colors and the noise is resanating of the walls. So i look around and the loud lights seem undisturbed, so i yell. And yell and yell and ye- intill my voice is a ghost of what it once was. But no one hears me and i run through light attracting no attention. The room goes on feeling like a endless swirling hall and as i get deeper in i fall in slow motion. And i end up lying in meadow of purple lanta camara. I touch one and it turns white leading to a domino affect all the way to a women. She stands right in the middle unfazed, and she turns to look at me. A single tear laggardly rolling down her cheek. It glissins in the unnoticed sun. Shes so.....captivating. I stare and i feel something wet on my cheek. I didnt know i was - crying. She speaks "Under the bludgeonings of chance. Our head is bloody, but unbowed. . . . You are a master of your fate: You are the captain of your soul" (peom by William Henley). She reach out and before i can stumble to my feet shes gone dust of colors of the world floughting in the wind. Then I wake up sweating, my face covered in dry tears and my hair matted to my forehead. I've had the dream since i was 18. Im better now tho, happy. But i didnt start out like this all rainbow drops and sunshine. Cause life aint like that, now that i think about it looking back.

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