One shot

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"We're here, Sakura-chan." Naruto placed a hand on his hip, lookimh up at the high tower where the Kage Summit will take place.

Sakura felt her heart beating faster. He was here. She could feel it. She hasn't been intimate with him since he left for this mission, when Sarada was four years old. They kept in touch, though. But the messages and letters weren't enough to make her stop missing him. She knew how important it was for him to be away and protect her, Sarada and the entire village from a possible threat. It was the best thing to do, but it hurt so much. Especially for the fact that Sarada constantly asked about him and always felt bad for not having her papa by her side like the rest of her friends.

She wanted to bring her daughter too. But it would have been too dangerous. Anyone could harm her little precious baby only to get to Sasuke. And above all, it would be harder when he would have to leave again. For both of them. She hated that the mission was secret... She couldn't answer her daughter's questions whenever she asked about this so called mission. But it was necessary to avoid panic amongst the villagers.

"You should go first. I bet he misses you." the blond Hokage smiled at his best friend, encouraging her.

Sakura was anxious. Sure, they met before a few times but it was like the first time each time. He was the same Sasuke. Cold but affectionate in his own subtle ways.

She inhaled deeply and started walking. Step by step, she was inside the tower, leaving Naruto outside, waiting for the other Kages.

She started going up the stairs, hesitantly. She was so happy to see him again. She felt butterflies in her belly yet she was nervous. Even though he was the one who sent her the message to come along with Naruto.

The pinkette stopped in front of the wooden door with her small hand on the cold, metalic handle. She inhaled deeply before pushing the door open.

She felt her heart stopping. There he was. Leaning casually on the wooden desk, reading a paper, his eyes never leaving the writting. She felt the brath caught in her throat.

He felt her presence, raising his dull and tired eyes. Their eyes locked, making her heart jump from her ribcage. She felt the heat raising on her cheeks. But his first words weren't what she expected.

"Where is Naruto?" he asked, keeping her gaze, unbothered as always. She moved her gaze to the floor, playing with her fingers.

"He is waiting outside for the other Kages." she said in her weak voice, biting her lower lip.

He sighed, placing the piece of paper on the desk.

"Does he know how important it is? I have to communicate this quick so I can return to my du-"

"Sarada asked about you." she cut him, raising her eyes.

He eyes her from head to toes. She wore that sleeveless red dress that stopped above her knees and her hair grew longer.

"She grew up nicely, Sasuke-kun. She looks like you." she told him sadly. His face softened at her words.

He pushed himself from leaning on the desk, starting to approach her with slow steps.

"She misses you..."

Sasuke stopped in front of her, their chests touching. He was much taller than her which made him more intimidating besides his stern face.

His hand pushed the door closed behind her, locking it. She jumped sightly.

"And what about you? Did you miss me?" he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. She felt his breath on her neck, giving goosebumps. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

Missing you (SasuSaku) ONE SHOT - smutWhere stories live. Discover now