cosmic dancer

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Drawing was my passion, they say everyone's got a talent that would make you money, mines is Drawing. I was sitting in the corner of the pub with my pencils and my pad as usual, I wanted to draw the night life of the pub, then I could go home and finish it in pastels, I wanted a fading look to this one, a blurry tone to it. Mrs Brown never minded me, I just sat in the corner with a can of coke watching as the people as they interacted.

I was about half an hour in when I saw Guigsy and Noel come in, Liam and David trailing behind. They got a table and sat down. It was right in my line of tables I was drawing. Liam sat facing me but he didn't notice me, I continued to draw the bar.

Before long the boys started getting tipsy, it was funny to watch Liam when he was drunk but something seemed odd about him. Liam was usually the type of guy that was always causing it. I wondered what he was upset about, I glanced a look at him every so often.

"Here Liam what's up with you tonight" Guigsy asked, Liam glared at him.

"Ignore him Guigs he's been like this since last week, he got with some burd and she left before he got a kiss goodbye" Noel said.

"Shut the fuck up dickhead" liam hissed.

"Who was it Liam? Oy, was it Sammy from the roses gig?" He asked, this fought my attention. I stopped drawing and looked up.

"Here ain't you fancied her for ages?" David said, liam glared at him too. I was shocked, did, did liam gallagher like me? Impossible, he's had lods of girlfriend's. Why would he like me?.

"Yeah, we had a grate time too, she even told us on the phone, but then she said she didn't want to go out with me, fuck it right, fuck her" he said sadly, it made me feel bad but at the same time I had every right to turn him down.

"I think you already fucked her Liam" Noel joked, Liam tutted. Next thing I know bonehead came in with Cam, the two of them have been seeing eachother since the gig. I was happy for them, it was about time they two got together.

"Alrightey lads, you lot on the piss again?" He said. I just tuned out again and went back to my drawing. I hadn't been drawing for more than 10 minuets when Cam noticed me.

"Sam what you doing hiding in the corner" she asked as she asked me as she walked up to me. I looked up and saw the group looking at me, Liam was dragging the eyes of me, I felt sick.

"Working on a sketch, got millions of these to do, I guess this place is my muse" I said. She smiled.

"Come sit with us for a while" she said. I shook my head.

"I would but I'm too busy, I've got to finish this tonight if I want to stay on track." I was honest with her. She gave me a quick hug and skipped back.

The wrest of the night was hard, I kept seeking looks over at Liam and he was always looking at me. It wasn't till I was nearly done I realised, liam was the only person I actually drew, no one else had detailed faces but liam did, I sighed, how the fuck was my life becoming this?

I got up and went out to the beer garden for a fag, I was more then ready to go home, but I had another 3 tables to do. It wasn't long before the door swung open and Liam swaggered out.

"What the fuck your problem?" He asked me, I was taken a back by his attitude.

"What?" I asked.

"You sat in that pub all night, looking at us and trying to act like you were only drawing but your looking at me, you sat listened into the conversation all night. What's yer problem?" He asked, I sighed and took a draw of my fag.

"I haven't got a problem Liam, I was just working on some stuff for my portfolio." I said honestly.

"I offered to take you out and you said no you were busy but yet in a pub when I go out? Why you being suck a dick?" He asked, I couldn't be arsed with this, even if he was looking at me with the saddest puppy eyes ever, I had things to do.

"I'm not, I like to be alone when I draw is all, I don't have time to talk about this Liam, I need to go" I said. I went to walk away and he grabbed my hand.

"So that's it, you ignore me all through school, you make me think I was your mate, you shag me, then I'm back to being ignored? That's the usual from burds like you." He said, I wasn't going to get out of this, my wrist was sore now.

"Liam I think your a grate guy, I really do but I have so much going on right now and then I move to London for 3 years after Christmas, there's no point in getting into anything. I'm sorry" I said, I quickly kissed his cheek then went back inside. I had just picked my pad back up when liam came storming in and back out the front door, the whole table turned and looked at me, I pretended like I couldn't see what had just happened.

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