Day 16

199 14 3

9 May 2017


Amazing Visuals
I need your opinion on something, so message me when you get this
Okay bye


Amazing Visuals
Hey again
Why aren't you answering meee?
Did I do something wrong?


Amazing Visuals
Hey again again
You ignoring me?
Is this because I didn't talk to you that one day?
My phone was taken remember?
Hmm maybe you're busy today
I just talk to you tomorrow okay?


Amazing Visuals
I just reread my text and I sound like
an idiot
Who ask questions to a person who isn't online?
I'm such an idiot
I bet if you were online, you would've tell me I am an idiot too, but you aren't....
I sound sad, but I'm not btw
Just letting you know
When you read this
Ummm bye then

my psychopath; kim jaehwanWhere stories live. Discover now