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I woke up at 4:30am I think the unnies are eating already "TZUYU WAKE UP ALREADY!!" Ah...Why does Jungyeon unnie has very loud voice,I came outside ,I saw them putting make up already "ah Tzuyu!! Faster were gonna be late take a bath already!!" Jihyo unnie said, "You guys are done already?" I asked "yeah,actually I was the first one to get up 3:00 I was up already,I'm freakin' tried" Chaeyoung unnie said, well yeah you woke up early who woudn't be tried? I came inside the bathroom already to take a bath

--After 10mns.--

Well that was the quickest bath I ever did ,after that I fix myself and ready my luggage

then Nayeon unnie came inside the room, "yah Tzuyu-ah,The van is there faster would you?!"she said with an annoyed voice "yeah yeah I'm coming down already" I replied.

I went outside our dorm then locked it after I looked it I gave the keys to the security guard "Take care Ms.Chou" The guard said while taking the keys,I just looked at him with a creepy look.

Me and Nayeon unnie reached the gate,The other unnies were waiting for us , Jungyeon unnie and Sana unnie were talking,Jihyo,Chaeyoung and Momo were playing with there phones inside then Dahyun unnie was starring at me with a weird look oh...Ms.Ann was there too, "Tzuyu!!"she said I just glared at her then me and Unnie hopped inside the van
"Girls,this will be a long trip more like 2hrs. Please take care hmm?" She said with a happy but worried face "we will now bye,bish" Dahyun unnie said while shutting the door infront of her face

After a while,everyone was asleep except for me, I was looking at the unnies funny faces then the driver glared at me, "um..Ms.Chou,I'm gonna stop here for awhile I'll be just going to the bathroom" he said while looking infront "Not you can't....Nah just joking" I said sarcastically,he just giggled, I was feeling I need to go to
So I hopped out of the van too

--after 5mns--

After 5mns I came back to the van I saw the unnies awake already I guess the driver woke them up I came in,I saw Momo unnie with a big smile on her face "Momo unnie stop that your face looks weird"I complained then she just rolled her eyes on me " one more time unnie your eyes will be on the floor" I said while smirking,She just turn away from me looking at the window "Oh..I forgot to tell you girls,were almost there" The driver said happily but no one of us replied we just minded our own bussiness

--after 10mns--

"Girls were here" said the driver, I was the first one to hop out of the van,When I look infront I just saw a big gate, one by one the unnies got down too "Sorry girls this is the end of the trip" the driver said ,while putting our luggages down "you girls excited?" Jihyo asked "Who woudn't be!?" Well i guess Momo unnie is excited "girls,I'll be heading back now I have some work to do too" wait what!? We even didn't get in yet "shit,be ready girls there might be like goddess here" Mina unnie said "Yeah I know...The goddess just arrived standing infront of they're gate

Suddenly the door opened reaviling a girl she walk towards us ,I glared at the girls then took out a gum inside my pocket
"Um..I guess your the transfers?" She asked, "Yeah we are" Sana unnie replied, "well I'm Joy..l-let's m-meet e-each other?" She said while sluttering? "Is that a question?" I asked she looked down I guess she's shy? "A-anniya, Can you please i-introduce yourselves so we c-can know e-each other" fudge whats wrong with this girl, "TWICE IMNIDA" we said in unison then bowed together, "u-umm..did y-you girls know that if your new here your gonna perform?" She asked,"yeah we know and please don't be shy,were all girls here,cause when u slutter you look weird" Dahyun unnie said,shit this unnie is on fire,then she nodded slowly "come in,I'm gonna show you your dorms" she said then we just followed her.

As soon as we followed her inside,our eyes widen,this is freakin' big,our dorm is at fourth floor then our OWN dance studio is at the other building,I don't know the hell why we got our own dance studio " many are you girls?" She asked "9" Jihyo unnie replied while looking at her phone "'s your dorm there are 4 bunk beds and 1 bed" she said,Uh no Jihyo unnie is going to decide who's gonna decide where were gonna sleep "You can put your luggages down then we'll start the tour,I'll be waiting outside" she said then we just nodded.

"OKAY GALS!! I'll be pairing you,k?" Jihyo unnie said with excitement.
"Mina and Nayeon unnie, Sana and Jungyeon, Chaeyoung and Momo then Tzuyu and Dahyun" she said yah Dahyun unnie!!! "YAH I'M EXCITED YOU ELSE!?" Geez, Momo unnie is loud "I'm not" Jungyeon unnie said while putting down her stuffs "isn't it the same? It's just another place? Were still gonna dance,practice,perform and blah blah blah" Nayeon Unnie said with an annoying voice "yeah,she got a point" Jihyo unnie said while giggling,Momo unnie just pouted "let's just go,The Joy girl is waiting for us outside" Chaeyoung unnie said while heading towards the door then we all ran towards the door while pushing each other.


We came out of the door while pushing each other "yah-You waited long?" Tzuyu said, tsk no manners "anniya,Let's go?" She asked,then we all nodded

--after the tour--

" girls are gonna get your schedule at the student counsil,okay?" The Joy girl said "yeah what evere" Dagyun unnie replied "Okay goodbye now,just call--" When she was speaking we all just turn our back at her YEH SWEG, When we came all inside our dorm they all thrown therselves in the bed "yah-You guys tired?" I asked with a confused look "You think?" Chaechae said "geez,Who wanna come with me? I'll be getting our schedules" I asked while putting my hands on my waist "me" Tzuyu and Momo unnie said, we headed towards the door before I got out I said "brb,bishes" No one replied I think they're all asleep,this bished

"Umm...did one of you remember where the Student counsil is?" Momo unnie said with a worried face "Nope I wasn't paying attention while ago" Tzuyu Yoda said while looking at her phone,Shit,I facepalmed "I remember" I said while raising an arm then rolling my eyes "Unnie your eyes are gonna fall if you keep doing that" Yoda said while looking at me to head to toe "whatever" I said while keep on walking,Momo just chuckle damn she's cute but a dance machine

--at the school counsil--

"Were here to get our schedules,Were new here,TWICE IMNIDA,yeah whatevah" Yoda just came in without knocking, Someone didn't learn manners here geez "Aww I got visitors your the transfers? Umm here...Your schedules" she handed the schedules then I mouthed thank you to her "Yah by the way name is Mrs.Cho" she said while looking at her laptop "Yah-okay whatevah" Momo replied then we walk out the door

CHAPTER 3>>>>>

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