the girl
walked throughout
school, with her
head still
down. while
she was
standing infront
of her locker,
a boy came up to
her and
leaned against
the locker next
to her.
the girl had
shyly looked
up to see
those beautiful
green eye again. she
looked into his
eye for
a moment
as the boy
looked down
at her. the
then got hit with
something. she fell
down and looked
in embarrassment.
she felt
tears form in her
eyes as
she seen
the boy hold out his
hand to
help her up. she
didn't take his
hand and
all that she had
done was
put her head down
and ran off.
as she cried,
she ran into the bathroom.
nobody was in there.
but what she hadn't
known was
that the boy
followed her and
soon came in.
Short Storybehind every cranky girl, there's a story. @kissingluke_ made the cover.