Chapter six - Friends

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Jimin and seulgi laughed heartily as they walked through the corridor. They practiced for hours and Seulgi finally mastered her steps. They decided to hang out sometime and left to their respective rooms. They decided to rest as much as they could before going to shoot.

When Jimin opened his door, Jungkook was still sleeping. He went in quietly and laid down on the bed next to Jungkook's. He closed his eyes and his mind wandered off to the days events. His thoughts wandered off to  Seulgi and he felt a wave of excitement passing through him.He was still thinking about Seulgi when Jungkook said something. He was murmuring Yeri's name in his sleep.

Jimin snapped out of his thoughts. He turned to face the maknae but realised that jungkook was still asleep. Suddenly he felt so down. He did not like what the maknae is going through. He wished he can do something to make him feel better but  there seem to be nothing to cheer him up. And the situation will not be any better with Yeri around.

He was still drowning in his thoughts when he received a text message. "Jimin ah do you want to hang out after dinner?"

It was from seulgi. He felt excitement rush through him as he texted back. "Yeah sure. Where do you want to hang out in?"

He excitedly waited for her reply but none came. "Hmm I guess something cropped up..."

Jimin threw his phone down. It landed on the floor next to his bag. He sighed and placed his hand over his forehead and closed his eyes.Suddenly his phone vibrated. Jimin excitedly turned and reached for his phone.

His short hands failed to reach his phone as the bed was quite high. Too lazy to get up, he moved his body until only his thighs were on the bed to reach out for his phone again. He  lost his balance and ended up falling head first on the floor.

"Ouch," he groaned as he rubbed his head sitting up. He grabbed his phone and sat there shocked when he read her reply. "My room. Let's watch a movie together."

He was about to text her back when a knock interrupted him. It was his manager. He informed him that he need to get ready for the shoot. Jimin sighed and put away his phone. He can talk to her later. He walked over to his maknae and woke him up.

Jungkook opened his eyes sleepily. He groaned and sat up. He stretched before grabbing his towel and making his way to the bathroom.

For the ad, they have multiple scenes to do. One scene with all of them dancing together, and then a few paired up scenes and lastly individual scenes. They shot the dancing scene first. It was a tense environment and for some reason all of them wanted to show their best. None of them wanted to make a mistake and be the reason of a retake. They all danced fiercely yet gracefully.

They took it in one shot and the entire crew clapped their hands for their breathtaking performance. They smiled at each other satisfied. They moved on to the next scene and the scene afterwards. They all worked hard without complaining. Once in awhile Jimin and Seulgi will exchange glances while Jungkook and Yeri will stare at each other when the other was not looking.

The shoot for the day was over and they had two more days to go. Jimin changed to his casual clothes and made his way to their van. He was about to get in when he saw Seulgi talking to Irene. He stared at her for awhile. She was still talking to Irene when she turned and caught him staring at her. They locked eyes before she turned back to Irene and excused herself. She walked away and Jimin quickly followed her.

They stood next to each other in a deserted corridor. "Good job, you did well today."

"You too," she replied. They were staring into each other. It felt awkward for some reason. They broke eye contact and stared at everything except each other wondering what to say next. "Aren't you sharing your room with your unnies?" He finally asked.

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